Vertical spacing radio buttons in a dialog

Whilst experimenting with the new dialog capability in V12 (which is an excellent addition) I note that vertical spacing does not always seem to work. Per the example shown below, the last item has a larger spacing then the rest. In an earlier incarnation of this dialog with only 5 buttons, all 5 items were evenly spaced.

Regards, AB

I think this function works as it does in the Visual Studio dialog editor (which is what inspired it). Basically the top and bottom items won't move - only the items between them will be spaced out evenly.

Fair enough. The outcome then depends on how well, or otherwise, free space can be divided up. It's easy enough to edit by hand afterwards if the result doesn't look too flash.

Regards, AB

I'm open to changing this; in some ways it would make more sense for the bottom item to be re-positioned as well (as you say, at the moment you may have to manually adjust the last item). If no one else has any comments I'll make the change in the next beta and we can see how it goes.