Very Weird Behavior in Folder path display

I haven't changed a single setting in my lister in months. However as of this morning Opus started doing something wierd, new, and it is driving me NUTS!

All of a sudden the path display in all of the tabs is FLASHING and I can't get it to stop! :imp:

I am not talking about the Pathbar toolbar display I am talking about the path that appears in the lister panel below the tab. What in the world happened and how can I get it to stop! I have been using Opus for years now and have never seen this behavior before.

The listers are not locked so I have no idea what caused the probelm.

Thanks in advanced



Sorry for the lack of something more specific but....

If you are using say, a Bluetooth keyboard and it is "off to the side" somewhere and something is depressing several keys, that would cause flickering and crazy activity on the screen - or if several keys are stuck down on your keyboard, that could cause it.

I had a similar problem one morning and it drove me crazy until I realized that my wireless keyboard was in my briefcase and I did not turn it off before packing up. The keyboard had some key depressed or several mashed together causing flashing and glitching on the screen.

That is the only thing I can think of to account for the sudden occurancce. Other than possible corruption of video drivers.

Good luck.

It sounds like the Navigation Lock feature is turned on. If the two sides become out of sync then the paths will flash.

You can find a button to toggle Navigation Lock under the Go category of the Customize dialog. That will let you turn it off.

It's possible that you've saved your Default Lister and/or some Styles or Layouts with Navigation Lock turned on.

For the Default Lister and Layouts you'll need to load them, turn Navigation Lock off, then save over them.

For Styles you can go into Preferences -> Listers -> Styles, select each Style and make sure that the File Display drop-down doesn't have the double-padlock icon in it. If it does just select the same thing, but without the icon, from the drop-down.

Thank you yet again nudel! You seem to bail my silly ass out of alot of things. :blush: :blush: :wink: :wink:

How it got locked in the first place I have no idea but that was the problem. I didn't think it was locked but I guess it was.

I looked for over an hour to try and fix it myself and couldn't get it right.

As for JInglee thanks for the suggestion. I have had that happen on my desktop keyboard before but this problem occured on my laptop and was the locked feature nudel pointed out.

Thanks again for the help. I had never seen that behavior before so I was totally lost.

Back to it again. Opus is, hands down, the best piece of software I have ever come across and I would be hopelessly lost without it!

Have a great Day :exclamation:
