Video files type show in chinese

Hi - I have used Dopus for years. a couple weeks ago, the video (and .dat files) types are appearing in chinese - everything else is in english. I bring up same folder in Explorer, and the type appears in english.

I am not aware of anything I might have downloaded that would effect Opus, and the fact that explorer shows type in english is very confusing to me. Has anyone ever come across this before? It is not a 'do or die' issue, but it is annoying. Would appreciate any input on this issue if anyone has seen this before. I am running Opus (5215) x64. I am attaching a screen shot of a folder with movie and non-movie files in it.


Settings > File Types should let you rename them.

I thought Opus took file types from explorer/windows; Didn't know you could edit them as you suggested, Leo. Thanks for the fast and correct answer!

The names come from the registry. Opus usually agrees with Explorer but the two can differ in some situations.