Video preview

Hello (again!)

After enabling the Viewer Pane for a lister I can see quick views of my documents - great; but for videos it starts playing them, which is a bit of a pain as it takes time to load and start each one, which makes it hard to quickly browse through a list of videos to find the one I want.

I know I could open the folder in Thumbnails mode, but they each take up a lot of screen space, which has its own drawbacks in folders with a lot of files in. I prefer staying in Details mode, and having a quick static image from the video - as Windows Explorer manages. If this option could be emulated in Opus, it'd make this near-perfect program even nearer perfect! :slight_smile:


Preferences / Viewer / Plugins:

Disable the Movie plugin.

You should now get static images for video files in the viewer.

Optionally, configure the ActiveX + Preview + Office + Web plugin, and enable the Windows Media Player preview handler in the top part of the list. (Ignore the warning that appears.) That should then give you the same as what's in Explorer, with a button you can click to play videos, but them not loading/playing until you click the button.

Excellent - although I had to configure the ActiveX.... as you described (so not optional) before it worked.

Many thanks! This program is very nearly perfect! :slight_smile: