Viewer for WordPerfect - how do I use it?

The Microsoft Office preview handler will not view Word Perfect files at all, as far as I can tell. Maybe there are some registry settings which would make it work but I can't find them.

Microsoft Office itself will view Word Perfect files, but only after displaying a prompt asking you to confirm their format which you have to click on before they are converted and displayed, so it's not very suitable for use as a viewer.

Open Office will view Word Perfect files, if you have:

[ol][li]Installed the Open Office ActiveX component:

[li]Added the .wpd extension to the Opus ActiveX plugin's Generic ActiveX line:

(Note: In the screenshot above, a different extension is being added to the Web Browser section. Make sure you add .WPD to the Generic ActiveX section at the bottom and not the Web Browser section.)

[li]Installed the attached registry settings, which I made to associate the OpenOffice ActiveX control with .WPD files.

(Note: This will not affect what happens when .WPD files are double-clicked. It only affects ActiveX.) (452 Bytes)[/li][/ol]

Now, saying all that, your mileage may vary. I have found the OpenOffice ActiveX control to be very unreliable over the years, with different bugs coming and going with every new version of OpenOffice. (Most of these bugs affect Internet Explorer as well, so they're not Opus doing something wrong.) For example, the version I have on my test machine seems to ignore mouse clicks and will only open one file (of any type) before it gets into a state where every subsequent file just shows blank space (until soffice.bin is killed via Task Manager). Earlier versions failed to resize properly when the viewer window (or Internet Explorer) was resized, etc...

So using Open Office is a bit of a last resort, to be honest, but you might find it works well enough until when/if Word Prefect ships with a preview handler for Vista/Win7.