Using 12.24.2 beta. Typically, selecting a PDF file instantly shows the preview in the viewer pane.
But now, I see the background but there is a no image until I resize the pane.
When I resize the pane, the image instantly appears.
It appears to me that Internet Explorer 32-bit is the viewer used for PDF display.
Windows File Explorer instantly shows the PDF preview.
I do not see this issue with Word or Excel files.
Is this something that can be fixed with a setting?
That can happen, but usually means the proper PDF preview handler isn't being found for some reason.
If you click ActiveX + Preview + Office + Web in your screenshot, and then Configure, what is .PDF assigned to in the Preview Handlers section of the list that appears?
The viewer is now working. There are several things I did before it started working, but I have no idea if any of them have anything to do with fixing things. Here is what I did:
Uninstalled Adobe Reader 64-bit fixes program.
Closed all listers and exited, and then restarted Directory Opus
Re-installed Adobe Reader 64-bit fixes program.
So now images do show in the preview as expected.
When I enable the Adobe PDF for Vista (32 bit) (this was unchecked as shown in the image), then the viewer continues to work, but will use the Adobe PDF for Vista (32-bit) for PDF Viewing.
Is it ok to continue using IE or should I switch to the Adobe PDF for Vista (32-bit)?