Vista Blocked Dopus9 startup

Unfortunately I can't get Dopus9 autostart works propely under Vista.
I have got an error about Vista blocked unsure programs.
Could you help me?

Go to Control Panel -> Windows Defender, then click the Tools button at the top, and then the Software Explorer link in the bottom half.

Check that the Category drop-down is set to Startup Programs and then scroll down the list until you see the GP Software section, within which there should be one or two entries for Directory Opus.

Select each entry in turn and make sure Enabled on the right-hand side is clicked. (If it's greyed out then it's already enabled.)

Sorry Leo, but I have disabled windows defender one mounth ago, have you any other solutions?

What's the exact error message, and when does it appear? (When you reboot or when you install or...?)

When Vista start, I've got an error and an icon in the tasktray with the name of programs blocked on startup, then I have the opportunity to start it from tray

That sure sounds like Windows Defender to me. Maybe you only disabled the spyware scanning part of Defender but still have the "startup program scanning" part enabled?

I got the same problem, because i used Dopus 8 on Vista. To do this i activated the compatibility mode for the application. Because the exe got the same name Windows handled Dopus 9 with the old settings. You need to deacivate the compatibility settings and everything works fine.


Good thinking Marcus! I've created a FAQ with this information here:

[Opus 9 on Vista blocked from running at startup)

Thanks for taking the time to share the answer.

Try installing in the default directory. Worked for me.