If you've got an icon extraction tool, it's one of the icons within dopus.exe.
Can't post it now as I'm on my phone, about to go to the vet.
If you've got an icon extraction tool, it's one of the icons within dopus.exe.
Can't post it now as I'm on my phone, about to go to the vet.
OK. Hope everything goes ok at the vets. Is it a cat or dog or something more exotic?
It's an exotic cat
Thought he was going to come back and say its a goldfish
The poor cat has been put on a chicken diet for a week by the vet.
Thanks for the icon Leo, if I want to match the other icons in this set what do I need to do? I know I have to fade it out somehow can you remember if there was a certain amount at which it was faded?
I forgot I faded them. It's 25% opacity.
I found the PNGs:
Credit to Trevor Morris for the graphics, of course; I just converted them into 25% opaque PNGs.
Great! Sorry for the bother.
No problem!
This PNG might also be a good background for 'Collections' (when using the new Opus 10 icons):
Where can I put the images in the archive? How do I tell DOpus when I'm connected to a FTP site to show the network drive, and so forth with the other types of icons, like music, pictures, etc. I'm experimenting, and I want to make sure I put them in the correct directories.
It doesn't generally matter which directory the images go in, but if you put them into /dopusdata/images then they will work with if you export a portable version to USB, so that's the best place to put them.
Folder Formats are what you use to assign different images to different folders.
There's a bit more into in Understand and Configure Background Images.
hay leo are these still available all links are dead
I still think vista was the best looking windows shame ms killed the ui
All the links in the root post work OK for me.
I've been using these images for my backdrops for years.
They still look good, but it would be nice to see some new ones.
Hello, Leo. Is there a way to change PNG file's opacity via cli tool? any syntax?
there is an online convertion, but one file at a time. impossible to use for large number of files
Photoshop or ImageMagick can do batch image processing. ImageMagick is free.
Please start a new thread if you want help with getting it to work. This isn't the right place for the discussion.