Under Vista Ultimate x64 I have problems when trying to delete files from either my hard drive or USB connected drive. I get the following error message:
Error 0x8009001D: Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly.
If I disable User Account Control (UAC) this problem doesn't occur and I can delete files as normal.
Just to follow up I just noticed something strange... if I open up a directory or just right click on Computer and select Explore then I go in Directory Opus and try to delete a file it works fine.
It seems I can only delete files and folders after I have opened a directory or folder using native Windows.
Sorry... if I could edit my posts (and I was not so hasty) I would.
I think this problem is associated to certain file privilages and the UAC feature because when I try to delete files on a hard drive that were saved from a previous OS I always get a, "Destination folder access denied" message.
I can delete the file through normal Windows operations but I need to confirm a message that pops up by the UAC asking to confirm the deletion of the file. I presume it is at the point where the UAC confirmation would appear that Opus has the problem.
Sorry for the multiple posts