Visual glitch in TILES MODE


not sure if this is happening because of my system or because of Dopus.

Everytime I scroll with the mouse I get these horizontal lines with different color - when I scroll fast enough they are not showing but when I do it slow they are there.
I'm assuming there is something wrong with display refreshing. Could it be Dopus fault?

See the picture (screens are from Dopus 12 as I'm checking it out now)
Left side is fine - just after entering folder
Right side is broken - after some scrolling

Thank you.

Please post a screenshot of your tiles mode preferences.

There's a screenshot below. I also included FOLDERS -> FOLDER FORMATS -> MUSIC (OPTIONS tab) because I set white fill color in there for music folders.

I should add: it happens only when scrolling UP (with the mouse) and doesn't happen at all when scrolling with the arrows

Many thanks! We were able to reproduce it and a fix has been written for the next update.

Thank you.
It is fixed in 12.2.5 beta.

Thanks for checking the beta and confirming! (And the other threads, too. Much appreciated.)