Waiting for the DO 9 Announcement

My system went down in flames (well, close but not quite) - but the result was the same. I had to buy a new computer - with Vista. So here I am, joining in the waiting room...

Unfortunately, it's not the only software I have to wait for. I knew it was to early to go for Vista.

Any new ETA yet, Greg?

In case any of you miss the post in the Announcements forum, my What's New in Opus 9 preview is now online.



Kick Ass!!!!

Firstly thanks to Leo for taking the time to write this guide.

I'm glad to see the thumbnail bar added, I've been using explorer in vista while I wait for Opus9 and the thumbnail bar is about the only thing I like about the new explorer. Also the UAC enhancements alone would persuade me to upgrade, I keep UAC turned on for the extra protection but the amount of prompts sometimes is just crazy. Hope it's going to be released very soon.

Leo you have Stalker? Is it any good? Also a little face said peekaboo to me!

Ta :slight_smile:

Do you mean the toolbar for resizing thumbnails? That's not actually new: [Thumbnails Toolbar)

Explorer just seems "unfinished" in this regard. I wonder if MS will tidy things up in Vista SP1?

I've replied in a separate CoffeeShop thread.


No I actually mean the breadcrumb bar, don’t know why I said thumbnail bar.


Maybe peekaboo can be added into the Dopus system tray icon and randomly peek over every now and again lol.

I am overwhelmed by all these features, this is way beyond a mere compatibility release for Vista!
Let me please ask one minor thing (I did not read everything in detail): will it be possible to change the background of the lister/window that's actually running in Administrator Mode (like you show the cmd.exe in red started up with @admin)? I guess some users will be most excited about this feature and will use it every now and then (giving them a heads up wouldn't hurt) :wink:.

Wow. For what seemed like an initial negativity regarding Vista and all of the Vista-related questions around here, I would have to say that the Dopus team really rolled up the sleeves and jumped in head first here.

This is not just a "make it compatible with Vista" release - if you read through the What's New, they've really dug in and picked out some of the best parts of Vista Explorer and integrated them perfectly. Despite many of its shortcomings, there were a few cool things in Vista Explorer and it's really cool that not everything about it was dismissed in the 9.0 development effort.

Was getting anxious about 9.0, but now the teaser makes it MUCH easier to wait.

Run from USB - sweet!

[quote="djeaton3162"][quote="djeaton3162"]How soon before the updated tutorials and walk-throughs are out? [/quote]Has any thought been given to releasing some expected feature/fix lists or documentation prior to the software release?
D.[/quote]I guess God does read this board. My prayers have been answered! :smiley:

:cry: I have to buy a new keyboard...
All my drooling when browsing the preview made it go "zzapp" :laughing:

Can't wait for this!

Thanx for the preview! Excelent as always :slight_smile:

[quote="Ozzy1"]:cry: I have to buy a new keyboard...
All my drooling when browsing the preview made it go "zzapp" :laughing:
[/quote]Ditto here. I thought my head was going to explode trying to take it all in. I'll have to go back and re-read it at least two more times before it all sinks in. I feel like a kid in a candy store with his first lottery check!

I have to say something though. I really appreciate the DOpus team not trying to rush this thing out just to meet some arbitrary published date. I've been collecting and using software utilities since the old DOS Norton Commander days. In all that time, I've never seen another computer program (of any kind) that was as comprehensive and yet so user friendly as DO. When you add to that the fact that you are supporting multiple operating systems as well, the code base must be huge.

I won't pretend to speak for everyone here, but I'd rather DO9 be good than quickly released. You've already set the bar with DO8. If it takes a little while longer to exceed that with DO9, I'll wait patiently for it. Nobody benefits with programming that is rushed to market too soon. Some things, like fine wine, improve with age.

Just out of interest does version 9 take advantage of the faster indexed search feature of Vista?

[quote="djeaton3162"]I really appreciate the DOpus team not trying to rush this thing out just to meat some arbitrary published date.

Absolutely! I am very eager to try this new installment, but I stand behind the Dopus team slogan any time: "It will be ready when its ready".

AWESOME! Great job you guys!

Now, I don't want to sound ungrateful, but as an eye-candy addict I have to ask, will there be any way of implementing transparent menu bars (like the new explorer) in the future?

Not that it matters, I am getting this version the moment it gets posted. Can't wait!

After years with Total Commander and the last year working
with both Dopus and TC I have been convinced that Dopus is the
way to go. I haven't had TC running in some time now in fact.
And although there are several key features of TC that i miss,
and despite many options in Dopus I find unneeded, Dopus has my
support. Its much faster and much prettier. I wish him all he best but I hope Ghisler finds a way to turn TC around from what used to seem
like a fairly complex interface into something along the lines
of Dopus. Maybe he needs a team of developers like you guys...

Also, i do thank you for the gracious window for free updates.


GPSoftware is two people.

the whole of human genius poured exquisitely into one program.... after the release of opus 9, my heart goes out to any other person(s) making a living of selling solely explorer replacement softwares ; ;

While everyone is (rightly!) singing the praises of the soon-to-be-released DO9, I'd like to add a large 'Thank you!' to Leo.

The quality of his productions - both for content, and for presentation - never ceases to amaze me.

Definition of a team:

  1. Two or more people with complementary skills committed to a common purpose and set of specific performance goals. '
  2. A group in which members work together intensively to achieve a common group goal.

Dopus has a GREAT team, small, but with one of them being God and the other Good there is no greater team avaible:)