Way to unlock (or lock) all tabs in a group at once

Is there a way I can unlock (and even lock) all the tabs in a tab group with a single event like a button click? It would make life easier if this were possible especially since I'll start jumping around in multiple tabs and realize that if I click on them again before unlocking them, I'll be returned to the original directory they were locked to.

It doesn't help to have a pre-defined tab group that's all unlocked. I want to keep the tabs and the current directory locations that I have gone to. Then it would be really nice if after unlocking them all (with a single event) I could lock them all at there current locations and create another tab group. By the way, the option to apply one of each of the different types of lock would be even better yet!

I'll code something in DO if that's possible, but I would need to be pointed in the right direction first. By the way, I'm running DO Version - 7/1/2O11 11:52:07 AM on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 system.

Thanks for any help with this you can provide!

(Advanced) locking and or unlocking of tabs and or tab groups is a concept native to other file managers. Afaik this concept has not yet been implemented in Dopus. You may want to send a feature request to the developers..

:arrow_right: Good luck!

More generically, it would be nice to be able to select multiple tabs and then operate on them as a group - move, split, delete, lock, unlock.

Regards, AB

If you want to be able to return to the current tab setup, just save that as a (temporary) tab group, then when you want to go back to it load that tab group.

You could assign a bottoms or hotkeys to save and load the tabs(including giving the tabgroup some special name like "TempTabGroup" so you aren't prompted for it when you save it).

In addition to what Leo said... and from the comment: [quote]I want to keep the tabs and the current directory locations that I have gone to[/quote]
You could also consider using "layouts" as a temporary mechanism if you intend to save off your current set of folder tabs in order to return to and do more work with "later".

Also, do you really even "want" folder tab locks at all? Other comments in the initial post sort of made it seem to me like you didn't like clicking away and back to a tab, and having return to the original locked folder path - which is what one of the lock modes is specifically for. Or is it that you "do" like that behavior - but just want a way to turn the lock off/on for multiple tabs at once rather than individually...?

I have some tab groups defined and use the lock on the tabs because I want those groups with the locks as I defined them. They work great as they are.

But then I’ll switch gears in the work I'm doing. I may discover something that needs my immediate attention or I may get an idea I don’t want to lose. Before I know it, I'll have changed directories in some or all my tabs and then I realize I have to tread lightly because one false move may lose the directory that the tab is focused on.

Now I have another problem and it’s the tool that’s supposed to help me work better. Before I know it, I’m trying to solve the problem of not being able to save and/or unlock all the tabs on DO because I feel there surely has to be a solution because DO has so much power and flexibility – I’m just missing it!

I thought I had a suitable solution when I created a button that opened another instance of the lister. But all that does is open a lister in a state different than the one I'm working on and I still have to manual unlock then lock all affected tabs.

Everything mentioned so far assumes a premeditated situation. But as you can see, I don’t have a problem with situations I planned for, it’s the unplanned stuff that’s the problem.

To me DO is a tool – it’s not the end, but a means to an end. I have other stuff to do (and would rather do). But I’m willing to spend some time learning and tweaking it if it pays off over the long haul. I hope this helps give a little more insight.

Thanks for your help and feedback thus far.

If you want to create a copy of the current window, put this command on a button or hotkey:

[ul][li]Duplicate current lister[/li][/ul]

Also, the next version of Opus will have some changes to allow you to lock/unlock multiple tabs at once.

quote="plunder" locking and or unlocking of tabs and or tab groups is a concept native to other file managers. Afaik this concept has not yet been implemented in Dopus. You may want to send a feature request to the developers..

:arrow_right: Good luck![/quote][quote="jon"]
Changes in

New features and minor changes:
* It is now possible to lock/unlock more than one folder tab at once:
o From the tab context menu, hold Shift to lock all, Ctrl to lock all to right, and Ctrl+Shift to lock all to left
o From the Go TABLOCK command, append "all", "left" or "right" parameters[/quote]
I know the concept of locking tabs from XYplorer and now it's implemented in Dopus too, interesting! When you guys update video tutorials (or video reviews) please demonstrate how "a pro" can exploit this concept to its fullest. The unexperienced user might like to see how working with tabs and tab groups (and locking/unlocking them) can be a great experience with profitable use. Up to this point i hardly use locking/unlocking tabs (or playing excessively with tab functionality) but if someone demonstrates me how ..etc.., i would love to learn!!

(lengthy) video tutorial or video review. that'd be awesome.
Thanks for your hard work!

Opus has supported locking folder tabs for years. All that's changed in today's update is some extra commands to lock/unlock multiple tabs at once, after it was requested for the first time (as far as I'm aware) ten days ago.

Please stick to talking about Opus and the details of particular features/ideas, rather than referring to how something is in another program.

Most of us haven't used the other programs you keep mentioning. Referring to how something works in another program will usually only add confusion, not clarity.

(Similarly, if you go to a forum where almost everyone uses one of the other programs and start talking about how something works in Opus, without explaining in detail, then I doubt many people will know what you are talking about. Remember your audience.)

The one exception is Explorer, since everyone has used that and also has it installed to experiment with. For anything else, don't assume people know what you're talking about; explain the ideas/concepts instead.

I'll be mentioning folder tab locking in my updated overview, but I probably won't go into it in great detail (or try to convince other people that they have to start using them) as they are not something I use myself. I prefer to have buttons/hotkeys which take me to folders, rather than locked tabs.

When “tabs”, “tab groups” and “styles”, are all combined together in unison functionality, they provide a very powerful system for contiguously organizing disjointed information into definable and instantly recallable preset architectures required by many types of multifarious projects.

For example: a project that uses five different directories or folders located in separate locations requiring continuous switching back and forth across all five directories. You can save this as a “tab group” for later recall to use again and again, for the same project or similar.

Now, if you have multiple reoccurring projects, each having different stets of folders, then they can all have their own assigned tab group to quickly recall and apply to any given lister.

Now take this a step further. If you use dual lister layouts and have a particular project requiring different preset tab groups (e.g. different combinations of tab groups on each side of the dual lister’s layout) this configuration can be saved as a “style” for instant recall. The style remembers both lister windows and “tab groups” exactly as they are while saved as a whole.

Note: The difference between tab groups and styles with tabs is (tab groups can be applied to any single lister window without altering the other lister window in a dual lister configuration); however, they can only be applied to one lister window at a time. If you need to save the entire dual lister window’s layout (e.g. tab groups on both sides exactly as they are) then save this to a style to capture the entire configuration as a whole.

Now, take this into the dynamic mix: You can use variations of tab locking to allow or prevent tab labels from changing when you switch directories while in the current active tab. Tabs by default “are set to a dynamic state”, meaning (e.g. their label name will change to match the folder name if it’s changed by selecting a different folder or directory while that tab is active). Now, if it’s set to locked, its label will stay the same and a new tab will open up in the tab group and become the new active tab (i.e. if the folder or directory is changed while the locked tab was active). Further, if you click back on the locked tab, it will return to the folder or directory it’s labeled for. I probably just confused this more!

What’s the reason for these locking variations? Depending on your workflow, and how you will use the tabs, it offers flexibility for how the tabs will behave as you change folders via in the lister’s window or using the actual tabs.

To fully understand the exact functionality of the locking types, first apply each locking type to a different tab in a tab group and use the lister window to switch folders in each tab and see how they behave. Second, after doing this, click on each one of the tabs to see if they do what you expect them to do. At first, it may seem like they don’t make sense to why they work like this. But if you keep working with them, trying different variations, you will see the consistency for how they work and how they can be used for different reasons.

Personally, I use tabs for multimedia work flow. I keep many different types of graphics applications open simultaneously and contiguous in memory, requiring the passing of files back and forth between all of them. To further help with this, I use “Direct Folders” to set an applications (open/save) window to a lister window’s directory by just clicking on the lister window; nice!

I hope this helps more than it confuses. Cheers!!!

Thanks a thousands for this great post. i am going to print it out and re-read it several times to fully realize in mind what you ..etc..: it'll be my preferred reading on the j*hn for the next few sessions :thumbsup: or when i take a break from my PC work.
i need time and full concentration (and utmost relaxation) for it! :sunglasses: