"We found out that your browser is a little bit old! Unfortunately we are not supporting this browser."


Just noticed that udemy.com isn't working in file viewer (not sure is called with that name)

We found out that your browser is a little bit old!
Unfortunately we are not supporting this browser.
Please use one of the browsers below:
Chrome Firefox Safari IE

The viewer uses IE. Is your IE up to date?

(IE is still the only web browser that supports being embedded in a Windows desktop application, to my knowledge. And their page lists IE as one of the supported browsers, so it should work. If not, try in IE itself and if that doesn't work ask them for help.)

Oh, I've removed it and now I can't get it back =) I'll post the outcome!

Does IE still have to be the browser presented in the viewer pane? Are there any plans to update with another standards compliant browser?

Until very recently there were no other options as no other browser supported being embedded in another program (without us creating our own web browser, which is a full-time project in itself).

The new Edge Chromium finally fixes this, but is still in a preview state (when it comes to this feature). Once that side of it is more mature we plan to add it as an option alongside IE. We've done some quick tests with the preview builds and it seems to work well.

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