What happened to the menues?

Since a while, i can't open my main programs menu by just clicking the left mouse button. Now it requires to click the right button. I have tried to change that in the settings, but then i will get that not so good looking black arrow button for the left click. What happened here? How can i get back the old behavior, just clicking my left mouse button to access the menu?

As in the File, Edit, FTP, Tools, Settings menus? Or different ones?

Which settings are you trying?

What's the black arrow button? Please you post a screenshot / photo so we can see what you mean.

I mean this black arrow, when i disable "Hold or right click to expand" (translation may be slightly different). I would expect to just left click to expand the menu, as i did for many years.


Sounds like that is a button-menu. The label part is a single button that runs one command. The arrow part is a menu. You have to click the arrow to open the menu.

(If "Hold or Right-Click to Drop Down" is on for the button-menu then you can right-click it instead, and the arrow will not be shown.)

If you want a simple menu, where the whole thing is a menu that opens on a left-click, you can create one and move all the items into it.

Ok, that's what i suspected. I must have been messing up that menu somehow. Since i cannot get it back to normal behavior. So, thanks, i will make some all new menu and move all the content over.
