What script languages can be used with script rename?

[quote="nudel"]Great stuff, myarmor!

I see now that I was making the Perl example far more complicated than it had to be. I could've sworn I had tried a simple sub called Rename_GetNewName2 before embarking on the Win32::OLE events crash-fest dead-end, but obviously I messed something up in all my faffing around. :slight_smile: Great to see it is worked out now, and so simple to boot.

I've summarised the different script syntaxes into a post over in the Rename forums:

[Rename scripts in JScript, VBScript and PerlScript)[/quote]
I was a bit suprised myself as I too had begun experimenting a bit on the same as you.

When looking through the examples I noticed how the functionnames was named when using asp (vbscript style), so I just went back and tried it..and it worked. :slight_smile:

I've noticed you didn't especially like perl though.. There's no problem setting the install directory to "c:\program files\perl" in the installer (msi) though..

Somewhat nice with all the extra power.. Using some of the stuff that already exists for the language inside renamescripts.