Where did the Drive Toolbar go?

I have recently installed a new version (12.20). On other earlier versions I have, there is the option to have a drive toolbar show. It used to be under Settings->Toolbars ->Drives. In this version, this option (Drives) does not show up at all. Where did it go? How do I get the drive listing to show up??

Thanks for reporting that, it looks like it got left out when we switched installers a couple of months ago.

I've put it back in and uploaded a new version. Probably the easiest thing is for you to download and reinstall the current version from our website.

I just updated to the latest revision and the Drive toolbar option is still missing? Please advise.

If you go to /dopusglobaldata/Buttons, do you see a Drives.dop in there?

(The path starting with / uses an alias. Copy and paste it into the path field near the top of the main Opus window, the push return, and Opus and it will take you to the appropriate folder for your system. Usually C:\ProgramData\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\Buttons in this case.)

If you see the Drives.dop there, double-click it and it will copy it to your personal configuration and the toolbar will also be added to the current window.

We didn't think to mention that before. Apologies for that!

More detail on why you need to do this, in case you're interested:

The newer installer includes Drives.dop again, but it's only written into the global area, not to your actual configuration. (This way, you can change or delete it without it being overwritten each time you install an update.) Each user (Windows account) makes their own private copy of those toolbars when they first run Opus. Since your account has already made a copy, it won't pick up the new file the installer made automatically.

Double-clicking a .dop file copies it to your personal Buttons folder, and opens the toolbar in the current window. (You can view your Buttons folder by typing the /buttons alias into the path field. You can also copy the file there by hand if you want, but double-clicking it is easier.)

In case you still can't find the Drives.dop file, here's a copy of it from my machine. If you download it and double-click it, it should open the toolbar for you:

Drives.dop (988 Bytes)