Which Lister is Open

That's also why I referred to listers in my post as 'lister windows'... should have explained better from the get-go.

Anyhow, about:

[quote="DocLotus"]I would actually like to turn off the multiple Lister feature. Yes, I know I can set up Launching Listers to Default but that defeats being able to re-open the last Lister used.

Many other programs allow the user to allow only one instance of program to load. Having multiple Listers open is like multiple instances (to me).[/quote]

[quote="DocLotus"]Hi Bob;

Somewhat; but in my experience it usually means opening the Default Lister which means that each opening will revert back to the default folder location. What I need is to use the Default Lister only the first time after boot up and to use the last Lister opened after that so the last folder viewed will come up. I have the Listers set up this way and it does work OK like that.[/quote]

I have used it before; works well but I need to have the default to always come up in a set location which also works well.[/quote]
Be aware that you CAN do both...

Firstly, regarding the single instance thing; between the post Bob referred you to and your own particpation in the single-instance portion of your Wish List topic... you should have the info needed there.

Secondly, the Launching Opus page in Prefs shows how Opus can be configured to open Listers (Opus version of an individual Explorer 'window' :wink:) using different settings depending on the method used to open Opus. For instance, you can enable the option Leo was referring to in order to 'Update Default Lister automatically when closing a Lister' to give you the 'last Lister opened so the last folder viewed will come up' effect you talked about... which happens when the method you use to open the Lister (window :wink:) is configured to open a 'Default Lister'. As an example, consider the following:

  • the most usual method I open listers is by dbl-clicking the desktop (love doing it)
  • THIS is the method of opening an Opus window that I would want to configure to always show me the last folder I was using, so I would set Prefs->Launching Opus->From the Desktop to Open the Default Lister
  • on the other hand, if each time my PC started I wanted the first time I ran Opus to open a static 'default folder' then I would NOT use the (ever dynamically updating - thanks to the 'Update Default Lister... option) Default Lister... instead I would create a specific 'saved Layout' that opens to my preferred 'starting' folder.
  • actually 'using' this Layout would then be done in one or both of two ways... either by configuring the Launching Opus->From the Taskbar icon or Startup launch methods to open the 'saved Lister layout'

This means that YOU would use a different method of opening Opus after just starting your PC than you normally would throughout the course of the day or whatever...

Does any of that make sense?