I create the new folder, put files in it, and when I right click to rename I see that the folder is read only. Is there a way to adjust this default?
You're going to have to explain the problem a bit more before we can give you an answer. Opus does not create folders as "read only" by default, and a folder being "read only" does not prevent it being renamed anyway.
OK, so I tested what you said, I created a folder, right clicked on it and hit properties, read only was not checked, it was "grayed out." I was able to rename the folder. Then I put a txt file in the folder, I was still able to rename it. This is wierd because it does not work all the time:
Here is the problem I have. I select about 100 megs of mp3s in a folder, I right click, and hit Cut. Then I right click and hit New Folder. Then I double click the New folder and, once it is open, I paste the files in the folder. Then I go up one level, click on the folder, click again so I can rename it (I do not know what you call this process "Slow double clicking?). I rename it with the contents, say "Pink Floyd" and hit Enter. Then I get a message that I cannot rename it bc the folder is read only. I right click and hit Properties. I see that the Read Only box is grayed out. I uncheck/ungray it and hit Apply or OK or whatever. I get a message about either applying this to the folder or to all subfolders and files. I select Only this Folder. Then I hit OK. Then I do the slow double click and am able to rename it.
So why do I get the message that it is read only?
Does the error you get really say it's Read Only? Because as I said, Read Only does not stop a folder from being renamed.
I suspect what you're actually getting is a "file/folder in use" error. When a folder is held open by something, it generally can't be renamed. Eg, if you open a DOS prompt and CD to a folder, and then try to rename the folder through Opus or Explorer, it won't let you.
Possibly what is happening is that the background thread that gets file information is still running on the MP3s from when you went into the folder. To see if this is the case make sure you don't have the description or any of the MP3 fields turned on in the Lister.
This is just a shot in the dark, but I wonder if this could be a Windows security issue?
I would suggest that you start checking the security assigned to your folders from the root of the volume, drilling down to your music folder. See if anything stands out there. Be sure to check Ownership and inherited settings.
I figured it out.
When I select a folder to rename, I rename it in the left pane. The problem is, when I click on the folder, it selects the folder and the contents appear in the right pane. Well, while DOpus is sorting the files in the right pane I cannot rename the folder. As soon as the files are sorted, I can rename.
Yes, that all happens very fast. The point is, that if I click to select, and then waith half a second toclick again to rename, that half-second is not long enough for DOpus to sort out the folder contents.
By "Left Pane" do you mean the Folder Tree?
Correct - Folder Tree
First, let's cover some terms so you should learn.
In Opus we call the main Opus window that lists files a Lister and often to refer to the actual list of files as a Lister Pane. We can actually have two Lister Panes open side-by-side in one window. When the window has two such file listings, it is called a dual lister. We refer to the two halves of a dual lister as the Left Pane and the Right Pane. What you have been calling the "left pane" throughout this discussion, we actually call the Folder Tree in Opus. I bring these terms up so that we can now both speak using the same terms without confusion.
What you are really trying to do here is to rename a Folder in the Folder Tree that is currently listed in the Lister pane, and Windows (correctly) reports that the folder is being used because, as you have already noticed, Opus is still loading the folder when you try to rename it. You are moving quicker than Opus.
I believe that one reason Opus may appear slow in listing a folder, is related to several different columns of information that Opus can display. The usual suspects are things like: Folder Size, MD5 Checksum, Description, Count of Files, Count of Subfolders, and some others. You mentioned a Pink Floyd folder, so there are all of the music meta data fields as well. Opus has to look inside of folders and files to get much of this type of information, which will lock the current folder as in-use if you have just a fews of these types of columns in your Folder Options or Folder Format, and a lot of files or folders that have this type of data.
Such performance hits become exponential on network drives, optical drives, and some other removable storage drives.
But there is a much simpler way around the issue you are encountering. Just list the parent folder in the Lister Pane, and select the folder you wish to rename from there. Then that folder will not be locked as in-use, and Opus can go on updating the rest of the meta data for the other objects.
I'll bet you the more you use Opus, and learn all of its features, the less you will use the Folder Tree.
The reason that I have to load up the contents of the folder is that I need to see what is in the folder so that I can name the folder.
Not only that, if the folder contains a txt or nfo file I copy the title of that file to my clipboard and use it to paste over the folder name (to rename the folder).
I don't think it's a problem at all. I just wanted to update the thread because I figured out what my problem was and it was not related to Windows or any DOpus settings.
I've been using DOpus for two years. The last year VERY intensively; I am not sure that my use of the Folder Tree will decrease. I'll check back in in 2010.
By the way, when I referred to the Left Pane, I did have two listers open. But when I use Dual Lister mode I use Dual Horizontal. So I guess when you refer to Left Pane and Right Pane you are in Dual Vertical. In my usage I suppose I would refer to Top Pane and Botton Pane.