Why don't Label and Tip scale in the Command Editor?

First of all, I am sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but I'm a bit perplexed about the Command Editor, specifically why the Label: and Tip: edit lines are so narrow, and not resizable. I am helping a lawyer scan legal documents using a flatbed scanner. The outputted documents MUST be searchable .PDF files, because all legal documents in my state MUST be electronically uploaded to the Supreme Court of my state's website. The scanner's default saved-file name is "SCAN001.pdf", so I have to rename those files to their actual legal names, some of which are rather long, as seen in this screenshot:

As you can see, I also create a tooltip for an entry, because a specific type of document must be filed in the exact, proper Category, Filing Type, Case Type, Filing Code, etc. If one thing is wrong, the document is rejected and has to be corrected and re-filed. I'm rambling, so can us dedicated Opus devotees get something like this:

Thank you!

The label and tip don't scale as most of the dialog doesn't scale or really need to. UI elements on the right of them would also be miles away from everything else and a pain to use.

Labels should not be particularly wide, as they would not fit on the toolbar if they were.

Tips could be wide, but you have to read them in a short amount of time, so having very wide tips is not really something we encourage. If you need them to be wide, you can type strings which are wider than shown in the dialog.

If you need some kind of confirmation, or memo, about what the buttons do, then there may be better solutions.

For example, you could display a confirmation dialog when the button is clicked, or the button could run a script that verifies the selected file(s) have the proper naming format. The best solution will depend on exactly what you were using the tips for, but there is probably a better way than putting verbose information into the infotips which are quite fiddly to read at times.

(BTW: For posting images on the forum, just drag & drop them into the post itself, and the forum will host them. Then we don't have to worry about external image hosts deleting everything like ImageShack did.)