Why Opus opens two listers after start?


this occured, after i tested the option "update standard lister, when lister is closed".

I use a layout, which is one dual lister with a set of tabs, saved as "normal". But after the system start of Opus, there now are always two listers, "normal" plus another one, which i just can´t get rid of. When i close that one & save the remaining one as "normal", isn´t the other one supposed to be gone after next reboot?

I use the "normal" layout for the autostart thing & for the desktop double click. I have absolutely no idea, where this second lister is coming from, since i assume, that all options regarding the start of Opus have entirely to be there. What did i overlook? :frowning:

The option mentioned in the first sentence is turned off in the meanwhile.

The unwanted lister is obviously the default lister, as i found the path of that lister in the C:...\layouts\system\default.oll file.

It looks like the "normal" layout is loaded plus the default lister. I have no idea where to turn it off.

What happens if you exit Opus (completely; not just closing all its windows) and then start it again from the Start Menu?

(Wait a few seconds before going into the start menu so that the first copy can finish shutting down.)

[quote="leo"]What happens if you exit Opus (completely; not just closing all its windows) and then start it again from the Start Menu?

(Wait a few seconds before going into the start menu so that the first copy can finish shutting down.)[/quote]

Well, that´s the strange thing about it, i forgot to mention this. When restarting Opus like you suggested, i will start ok. Actually i tried it (earlier) by restarting the program with the "restart" function in Process Explorer, with the same results.

It only occurs after at least having been logged off.
Once that lister is closed, there is no way of revoking it again, except after the next login/boot. I checked all saved layouts, but none of them would start that particular lister. Very strange. :confused:

Then I would say something is loading dopus TWICE at startup... something in your RUN registry key or some such business...

When you shut down or reboot do you have any listers left 'open' as you're shutting down?

[quote="steje"]Then I would say something is loading dopus TWICE at startup... something in your RUN registry key or some such business...

When you shut down or reboot do you have any listers left 'open' as you're shutting down?[/quote]

Is that possible anyway? iirc it´s always only one instance of Dopus running, with one or multiple listers open. As for your question, yes, there is always an active lister, when i shut down the machine. I will check out in the afternoon (i´m on my Mac Mini now), if this effect will remain after updating to 9.106. It´s no big deal, of course, i can close that one lister once in a session. If it´s helpful to post the config file, please tell me. Like i said, i found that particular path which is open in the left side lister in that config file.

Then do you also have THIS option enabled?

There may also be something which is opening a folder window during boot up. Some bad installers put folders into the Start Up folder, or the Run key in the registry, for example, and that triggers Opus windows to open when Windows boots. You can test if that is the case by turning off Explorer Replacement mode and rebooting. If those extra windows now open in Explorer instead of Opus, you know it's not Opus which is opening them.

I had this same problem and it turned out there was a subfolder in my Startup folder. I deleted it and the problem was gone.

Then do you also have THIS option enabled?[/quote]

Nope. It´s "open a saved lister layout". But the problem is solved anyway, please read my answer to Anakhas suggestion.

Hi Anakha,

this must have been it. I indeed had a subfolder in the autostart folder (not in use, some autohotkey related stuff), deleted it, & Opus starts allright now. Only i wonder, why this showed up so recently, because this folder was there for a longer time. The playing around with the options must have triggered it to act that way. :smiley: