Why teracopy no longer working

I've added the teracopy buttons and it used to work fine.
All of a sudden it does not work and the copy always fails while it is reporting that the copy operation was successful.

More detail needed.

What commands do the buttons run?

What changed? Was TeraCopt updated?

Is it TeraCopy saying the copy succeeded even when it didn’t? If so, you should ask the TeraCopy developers for help.

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Thanks for moving the thread to the right place.
I've installed the latest version of the Teracopy.
I've installed the latest version of the directory Opus.
Then I copied the commands from the tera copy control panel to integrate teracopy with directory opus.
I've copied both commands for copy and move and added the two buttons and added the commands correctly, and then changed icons.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<usercommand backcol="none" textcol="none">
<tip>Copy files with TeraCopy</tip>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>%ProgramFiles%\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe Copy *{allfilepath|filem} {destpath}</instruction>

Repeat with this code to insert the "Move" button.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<usercommand backcol="none" textcol="none">
<tip>Move files with TeraCopy</tip>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>%ProgramFiles%\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe Move *{allfilepath|filem} {destpath}</instruction>

What other details maybe required?

Note: I am asking for your opinion, does using teracopy really have any benefits compared to the copy function in the directory Opus?

I would put quotes around that:

"%ProgramFiles%\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe" Copy ...

Other than that, it looks OK, at least assuming your username doesn't have a space in it now which wasn't there before.

(If the path to %temp% has a space, {allfilepath|filem} might generate a path which has quotes added around it. That could confuse TeraCopy if it's expecting the special * it wants to be before or after the quotes and they're the other way around.)

Most of the time, you're only adding complexity by using another tool for copying. It might be worth it if you want specific functionality from TeraCopy (e.g. the way it handles copy queues vs how Opus handles them) or find that the way it copies happens to be faster with your hardware (which is somewhat random, from program to program, but usually identical no matter what you use). If neither of those applies then I wouldn't bother. But presumably you are using TeraCopy for a reason and not just doing this for fun? :slight_smile:

One single reason is the verification after copying.
Does there is any way to do so? or any way to confirm that copying using directory opus is done correctly?

Yep, same here. Until... this post came along:

Please, this part is not clear to me "I mean that I am not a geek enough to understand all the technical details".
I mean the part related to @Leo reply that you quoted.

Note: I've followed the instructions you mentioned and did the add of "" to the copy and move command and I've realized that it is now working with the MOVE command only, and still not working with COPY command.

So both commands are now the same, other than the word "copy" or "move", and only one works?

yes :frowning:

You'd have to ask the TeraCopy developers about that.

I think you are right about that because I tried to copy by opening Windows Explorer and using Tera Copy, but I got an error that something wrong happened... I can not figure it what it is exactly.
What happened is that I copied a file, and pasted it in another place, and I found that the tera copy started to copy, but after finishing the copy, the file size was the same, but the icon of the newly copied items was not copied correctly.

I've just downgraded to the latest version #2 of TeraCopy, I mean TeraCopy 2.3, and readded the buttons to DO, and it is working right now and testing after copying.

I can confirm now after several trials with teracopy v.2 and v.3 that it is not a DO issue, but it is a teracopy issue.
I did not find a support forum for them.


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Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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I've been searching for a solution for that issue since my last post.
I've even reinstalled my entire windows system clean install all over once again to make sure things are clear.
I've reinstalled TeraCopy 3.12, and disappointed that problem still exists.
Just opened the option of any copy job and you will find these settings:
I just by accident clicked on reset to default and restated the software, and it is working once again.
I do not know what happened but glad that it is working now, and thought to share it in case anyone has the same issue.