Win 7: How to give other listers same properties as desktop?

In Win 7, the lister I get with the "Go desktop"command has certain properties that I'd like to know how to get in other listers. The Desktop lister has additional items in the view menu (such as Extra large icons). It also responds to Win 7's capacity to change icon size using the Ctrl key and the scroll wheel on the mouse.

Is there a way to get these things in other listers?

The display for the "Go DESKTOP" command is just showing you the windows explorer view in an Opus lister. Those features are specific to that view only.

Having said that, you can add a scrollbar to a toolbar which allows you to increase/decrease thumbnail size in a normal Opus lister which will give you the same effect as the ctrl/scroll on Windows Explorer.

Thanks for the quick reply. Where do I find that ctrl/scroll feature in Dopus? I looked in customize/add button, but didn't find it.

Meanwhile, I'm happy to say that 64 bit Dopus 9 is working very well for me with Win 7. It's one of about 3 apps that, for me, give Windows a big edge over Mac. There's a lot I like about Mac OS, but the built-in file manager is awful, and none of the 3rd party subsitutes seems much better.

The Thumbnails Toolbar has the thumbnail size slider on it (or you can put it on any other toolbar, of course).

In the Customize dialog the actual command for the slider is shown under the View category of the Commands tab. It's called Thumbnail Size. You can drag this to any toolbar but be aware that it will only show up when you change into thumbnails mode.

Thanks, I found it and noticed that the slider's presence depends on the view. It turns out not to provide the functionality that Win7 has in Desktop view. Instead of having more than one "desktop", the fix for the moment is to make more intense use of the one I've got.