How do I get dopus to open the lister with the win+E shortcut in windows 10?
If Explorer Replacement is turned on, Win+E (the Windows hotkey to open My Computer aka This PC) should open in Opus.
If you want to open a different folder, using a different hotkey is recommended, as Windows intercepts Win+E at a very low level, although we may make it so you can override Win+E in the future. (Jon has made some Windows 10 hotkey changes for the next beta but I don't know the exact details of them.)
I have do set to replace all files and folders but win+e still opens explorer?
What happens if you create a folder on the Windows desktop and then double-click it there?
Opens in lister view.
Try selecting Preferences / Launching Opus / Explorer Replacement / Don't replace Explorer, click **OK, then wait 15 seconds, re-open Preferences and choose the option you want again. That may repair the registry settings.
Reinstalling Opus over the top of itself may also fix things, depending on which registry settings have been broken. (Just don't uninstall, as that would wipe the config; reinstall over the top is fine.)
Be sure to reboot when prompted after reinstalling, as some aspects of Explorer Replacement will not work until a reboot if the old files were in use.