Windows 11 & OneDrive - Context Menu items missing

After an upgrade to Windows 11 (from Windows 10), all OneDrive related items are missing in ontext menu of Directory Opus. It worked perfect before I did the upgrade to Windows 11. When I start the Windows Explorer, it still shows the OneDrive Context Menue items.

Any idea what could help. Many thanks in advance.

Please search before posting. There are at least five threads about this already.

Thank you for your swift reply.

Indeed I found exactly one answer after some more searches that applies. All the other answers do not apply to Windows 11.

It's a different issue to before. Microsoft made OneDrive incompatible with the pre->Windows 11 context menu API.

Any plans to fix that in Directory Opus (meaning to adapt it to the new context menu API)?

Please try the 12.25.3 Beta.