Windows explorer problem

Hey guys...

So i tried Dopus.... Started off amazing and i was so excited about this program ... until i realized that the biggest flaw of dopus is that it takes ages to start up ....

so i decided to uninstall dopus and go back to ye olde explorer crap ...

i am using windows vista 64 bit...

windows vista has 2 versions of explorer ..... 32 bit version and 64 bit version installed on the system ...

my 64 bit explorer works like it used to after the uninstall ...

however ... in 32 bit explorer whenever i try to open a folder, it opens a new window with 64 bit explorer ..... and that is hella annoying ...

my bet is that there has to be some kind of registry entry or something that tells the 32 bit explorer to open folders in 64 bit explorer ..... and i have tried to find this entry but so far it has been without success ...

i have also tried to use some advice from the faq but also without success ... so it would be nice if you guys could help me figure this out...

i guess i would need to find out what registry entries dopus 64 bit resets when you uninstall it ...


How are you running the 32-bit Explorer?

If I disable Explorer Replacement in Opus and then run 32-bit Explorer using this then it seems to work fine and double-clicks on folders open them within the same 32-bit Explorer window:

%windir%\SysWOW64\explorer.exe /separate, /root, c:

Without the /separate I just get another 64-bit Explorer window since the second instance just tells the already-running 64-bit instance to open the folder, as I'd expect.

Regarding Opus startup time, there are some ideas here and here. More generally, is there any reason you didn't let Opus launch once and then stay in the background ready for whenever you need it? It's very fast to open Opus then and Windows will swap it out to disk if the memory is needed for something else.

thanks for answering - i run 32bit explorer in the same way as you do.... - but instead of opening folders in the same window, 32 bit explorer launches a new instance of 64 bit explorer when i click on a folder....

well that is what i do - i set Dopus to start on startup and after the startup dopus launches itself very quickly problem is the startup - i have a quad-core pc with 4 gb of memory and without dopus my pc starts very quickly and is almost instantly ready for me to work on... Dopus is the only program that is set to start on startup ... with out dopus as i said it is instantly - but with dopus - jeez it takes almost a minute ... and i don't see the reason for... i have no extra icons but the default ones ... i have no buttons with icons - nothing ... i have also disabled collections, i have no network drives i regularly clean all my temp files and i take great care to make my computer quick. but unfortunately dopus at this point is the problem because as soon i disable it from startup - everything is fine...

leo, can you please tell me what registry entries dopus modifies when it replaces explorer ... i am 100% sure that something is not gone down right ...

Just these as far as I know:

[How to manually remove Explorer Replacement settings)

god i feel so embarrassed right now- i have made a total ass of myself -

i found the problem.... - i used to launch 32 bit explorer from a shortcut....

so ..... it turns out that for some stupid reason after the explorer.exe location there was a switch - /separate .... which as you see was causing all windows to open a new window of explorer ... jeez sometimes there is the most banal explanation to everything ...

thanks for payin attention to my nonsense leo ...