My windows integration / explorer replacement is broken for external drives. When they are connected, windows opens Windows explorer instead of DO.
I encountered this problem recently. Not sure if it came from a windows update or from a program that tries to stop windows 10 from sniffing around (seems more probable, some privacy related functionalities were disabled since then, but im not aware of a Windows explorer setting there).
My windows integration/replacement settings in DO are untouched.
I don't think there is a good way to link to Windows settings, as they keep moving them around and AFAIK provide no API for opening them. Even Microsoft's own apps tell you to go click on things yourself now instead of opening them for you, from what I remember.
Well Microsoft really knows how to create an awesome and fluent UX
But there is actually a way of opening that specific settings page: easiest case via cmd start ms-settings:autoplay taken from So this should be quite easy. My problem was (and for many others might be) that its not that obvious that windows has its own setting for maximum integration.