WinRAR Bug

I have been experiencing this weird bug with WinRAR:
When drag-and-dropping from the winrar lister to a dopus window, if the filenames contain some non-ascii characters dopus pops up a failed copy window with the wrong filename written in it (usually stuff like "thefilename.txt}{az"), as if the drag and drop did not give a compatible format list.
Any hints at what could be causing that? If there is a workaround? Or if i should bug report?

The RAR plugin that comes with Opus 8 doesn't support Unicode but Nosh converted it so that it does.

You can download Nosh's version of the plugin from this thread.

A similar plugin should be included in the next version of Opus, too.

I didn't notice that you said WinRAR. My reply is probably meaningless.

Does WinRAR work in this situation when you drag & drop to Explorer instead of Opus?

I would not have bothered posting otherwise;)

If you've got a small RAR that reproduces the problem that might come in handy. I haven't tried it myself yet as I'm swamped under with work right now but I'll aim to have a look at it when I get a chance. If I can reproduce it I'll feed the info back to GPSoft.

Here is one.
To reproduce(here at least) I select all the files in the rar explorer and drag&drop them to a dopus window. And I get a "can not find the specified" file error.
TestRar.rar (479 Bytes)

I tried the testfiles - within DOpus everything is fine (mean dclick on rar and dnd to duallister). When dnd from WinRAR the mentioned error occurs (all german version).

Could it be a WinRAR bug (wrong translation to DO)?

WinRAR copies the files to drag to the temp directory. The file names are unicode. But the CF_HDROP clip data delivered to the drop application only contains ANSI file names. The unicode characters are replaced by question marks. Thats not good behaviour of WinRAR. Explorer seems to use _findfirst/_findnext if it gets a file name with wildcards (question mark).