Working example of script with python?

One of them might be the amount of available code for it (cpan 29470 modules), which interfaces with just about anything.
I guess Ruby has even more, but it doesn't seem straightforward to install an activescript host for it (or even learn).

Another would be the regex engine, which perl isn't just some addon (as it is with just about any language), but
is fully integrated into the language.

Can you use perl modules inside activescript hosts?

The built-in PCRE engine is so incredibly powerful that it changes how you work and think about problems. Here's Leo's VBcript function to add a \ to a string, so long as that string does not already end with \ / * or ?. The language makes this incredibly laborious and robotic, with all of VBscript's English language statement terminators and parser helpers:

Function TerminatePath(p) TerminatePath = p If (Len(TerminatePath) > 0) Then Dim c c = Right(TerminatePath,1) If (c <> "\" And c <> "/" And c <> "*" And c <> "?") Then TerminatePath = TerminatePath & "\" End If End If End Function

vs Perl's:

sub TerminatePath { local $_ = shift; s/([^\\\/*?])$/$1\\/; $_; }

Edit: I modified the Perl example to be work generally, as opposed to only when the default variable $_ is being operated on.

Yes, of course. I use several of them in Dynamic Renamer:

use HTML::Entities;
use URI::Escape;
use Unicode::Normalize;
use Time::Piece;

Yes.. It is a feature of the language, so that kind of comes with the territory so to speak.

All those "use Win32::OLE;" and similar references/imports modules/packages you want to work with.
It can also, as VBScript and JScript, use activex objects and similar.
And even call dll's, although I haven't tried that in a scripting host, but I guess it is available.

Isn't this a little like asking someone born and raised in France "What's the advantage of using this strange language (French) over something like English"?

I had a brief encounter with Perl once and remember just enough to sympathize with the "strange" characterization. Nevertheless, if I were fluent in Perl (I'm not) and not it Jscript (I'm not either) simple familiarity would be the advantage.

Not really, because programming languages are not only a language (with words and syntax), but also include semantics, run-time environments, and there may not be a mapping from one "word" or construct to another. They are each designed for a given set of purposes, unlike human speaking languages which essentially go with the territory.

This is rather OT, but related to the question posed by jon.

You've just gotta love a language were these things are possible (all of them works in activeperl 5.16.3):

use v5.14;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

our $days_until_christmas = 1

     )( )gix
   ),my@ xmas=
  qw 1 +.- _(+"
 (_++: /+' +(_/^

[/code]by tobyinc.

or this:

$_= q~v ZvZ&%(' $&"'"&( &"& $&"' "&$Z$#$$$#$%$& "'"& (&# %$&"'"&#Z#$$ $#%# %$%$%$%(%%%# %$%$%#Z"%*#$ %$%$ %$%(%%%#%$%$ %# Z"%, ($% $% $%( %%%# %$ %$% #Z" %*%" %$ %$%$ %(% %%# %$%$%# Z#%%"#%#%$ %$ %$%$##&#%$ %$%$%# Z$ &""$%"&$%$%$%#%"%"&%%$%$%#Z%&% &# %"'"'"'###%*'"'"'"ZT%?ZT%?ZS'>Zv~;s;\s;;g;$~=q~ZZZJ_ #_ZH /'\\ZG|#o #o#|ZG|$ <%|ZH\\" \\!_!_!/" /ZG/ )\\ ZF/+\\Z E|-|ZE |-|ZE| -|ZF\\+ /ZG \\)/ ~;;@x=@,= +map{$.= $";;join "",map((( $.^= O)x(-33+ord)),/./g)}split+Z;$~=~s~\s~~g;;s;.;(rand)< .2 ?"o":$";egxfor@;=(5x84)x30;map {# system $^O=~W?CLS :+ "clear";;; ;print $_. $/, ,for $_ -18? @;: ### (( map{ $|= 1; ;;; join "" ,map($|--?$" x(-3 *11+ord):$_, /./g)}split+ Z,$~ ),@x);splice @;, -$_, 2,pop@,;@;=("" ,@;) ;;; ;sleep! $%}+2.. 18# /-\ by eyepopslikeamosquito

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/2+18/2+ 28/37+=/ 6/81+=T3/ 6+7/29+9/2
3+14/48+ 15/25+17/ 57+18/56+ 19/2+19/6+
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26/2+28/1 1+30/23+ 31/56+=a1 /5+1/46+2/
11+3/25+ 3/31+3/3 9+3/49+3/ 54+4/4+4/41+4/62+5/10+5/59+5/68+6/41+7/39+7/47+
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7+28/15+2 8/25+28/ 49+28/64+ 28/77+29/9+ 29/29+29/49
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3/61+14/29+1 4/57+14/75+15/33+1 5/51+16/37+16/47+1 6/62+1 7/61+18/71+20/41+20/50+21/8+2 1/33+21/37+
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5/17+5/4 1+6/25+6/63+7/37+7/6 9+7/73+9/30+9/38+9/5 3+11/39+12/3+12/51+13/24+14/2 8+14/73+15
/20+15/2 9+15/45+16/7+16/28+1 7/31+17/39+17/64+17/ 70+18/21+18/48+19/37+19/45+19 /54+20/17+
20/44+21 /41+21/47+21/55+22/1 3+24/41+24/51+24/82+ 25/60+25/78+26/23+26/40+26/58 +27/68+28/
34+28/70 +29/76+31/4+31/28+=k 3/51+6/38+9/46+11/5+ 12/45+15/36+16/78+17/34+18/66 +20/22+21/
76+30/18 +30/42+30/61+=g2/16+ 2/25+2/60+4/11+5/66+ 6/11+6/16+6/72+6/73+9/7+9/49+ 10/4+11/49
+11/57+1 4/43+15/ 7+15/12+1 5/30+15/4 1+15/61+15/
66+17/40 +19/60+2 1/21+22/2 3+22/34+2 2/72+23/66+
25/12+26 /49+26/5 9+26/60+2 7/30+27/55+29/15+30/45+31/63
+=t1/38+ 1/43+1/5 6+2/9+2/1 2+2/21+2/27+2/48+2/55+3/15+3
/29+3/32 +3/57+4/ 17+4/30+4 /38+4/50+4/68+5/32+5/34+6/7
+6/52+6/ 69+7/6+7 /14+7/34+ 7/70+8/12+8/32+8/57+9/34+9
/55+9/66 +10/16+1 0/31+10/4 9+10/53+10/61+11/20+11/
25+11/30 +11/36+1 2/4+12/26 +12/34+12/52+13/6+1

      3/12            +13/35+1     4/4+14/9+                          14/
      69+15/16        +15/22+1     6/26+16/2                         9+16/67+17
     /28+17/6        5+18/3+18     /7+18/13+                         18/17+18/3
    2+18/33+1         8/40+18/     62+19/10+                        19/13+19/2
    9+19/31+1         9/35+19/     47+19/68+                       20/12+20/3
    0+20/39+          20/45+20     /57+20/67                       +21/26+21/50+21/56+21/58+22/6+22/10+22/19+22/49
   +22/55+2           2/63+23/     43+23/50+                      23/60+24/9+24/34+24/52+24/54+24/70+24/77+25/8+25
  /22+25/32 +25/36+25/50+25/54     +26/37+26/41+26/56+           27/9+27/24+27/25+27/34+27/39+27/42+27/59+27/61+27
  /70+28/28+28/50+29/4+29/33+2     9/72+30/5+30/13+30/          30+30/37+30/64+30/67+31/7+31/14+31/19+31/29+31/31+
  31/37+31 /71+=e1/10+1/14+1/2     3+1/26+1/31+1/39+1/         53+1/59+2/                               7+2/30+2/3
 3+2/39+2   /63+3/10+3/23+3/41     +4/9+4/25+4/28+4/34        +4/36+4/46                                +4/57+4/67
+5/12+5/2             0+5/26+5     /35+5/45+                5/47+5/71+6                                /4+6/19+6/3
1+6/45+6/             46+6/50+     6/56+6/64                +6/65+6/67                                 +6/74+6/79+

7/16+7/22+ 7/25+7/5 3+7/54+7/ 59+7/67+8/9+8/14+8/19+8/29+8/34+8/44+ 8/54+8/59+8
/64+8/67+9/ 10+9/11+ 9/14+9/18 +9/25+9/32+9/41+9/44+9/45+9/62+9/65+9/6 9+10/14+10/
26+10/29+10/ 35+10/38+10/47+10/ 50+10/62+11/6+11/1 6+11/18+11/40+11/44+11/47+11/52+11/53 +12/10+12/1
9+12/36+12/4 2+12/55+12/58+12/6 0+13/7+13/15+13/29 +13/39 +13/50+13/55+14/6+14/17+14/18 +14/30+14/3
2+14/39+14/44 +14/50+14/52+14/65 +15/3+15/4+15/14+1 5/37 +15/46+15/60+16/3+16/10+16/35 +16/43+16/4
6+16/54+16/5 5+16/72+17/3+17/6+ 17/17+17/23+17/36+ 1 7/52+17/6 0+18/9+18 /15+18/24+1
8/35+18/53+1 8/58+18/61+19/4+19 /19+19/20+19/33+19 /38+19/64 +19/71+20 /4+20/7+20/
13+20/20+20/ 21+20/33 +20/40+20 /48+20/52 +20/59+20 /63+21/4+21
/9+21/34+21 /36+21/4 5+21/48+2 1/60+21/6 9+21/71+2 1/74+22/4+2
2/7+22/44+2 2/54+22/ 60+22/75+ 23/4+23/6 +23/45+23 /54+23/67+
24 /10+24/1 7+24/18+ 24/24+24/ 30+24/35+ 24/45+24/ 47+24/56+24
/60+24/6 8+24/74+24/76+24/78+ 25/5+25/6+25/17+25/2 0+25/30+25/39+25/61+25/81+26/ 8+26/13+26
/28+26/3 3+26/44+26/62+27/12+ 27/33+27/44+27/54+27 /57+28/18+28/30+28/35+28/40+2 8/41+28/48
+28/60+2 8/63+28/76+29/8+29/2 0+29/35+29/39+29/41+ 29/44+29/52+29/55+29/66+30/3+ 30/6+30/19
+30/62+3 1/8+31/16+31/21+31/3 3+31/38+31/48+31/64+ 31/74+31/76+=W5/25+12/18+20/6 +24/29+26/
21+27/2+ 28/2+29/2+30/48+=v1/ 30+2/32+3/40+5/11+6/ 3+9/4+12/59+13/49+16/34+17/5+ 24/23+24/6
7+26/7+2 9/65+31/ 47+=B2/46 +3/3+12/5 0+16/65+21/
54+28/32 +=s1/6+1 /15+1/28+ 1/48+1/55 +2/38+2/58+
3/22+3/5 0+4/6+4/ 13+4/60+5 /7+5/73+6/14+6/33+6/42+6/51+
6/80+7/5 +7/8+7/1 9+7/32+7/ 38+7/50+7/60+7/63+8/66+9/17+
9/43+9/5 4+10/33+ 10/40+10/ 56+10/58+10/60+11/17+12/23+
12/44+14 /40+14/4 1+14/51+1 4/58+15/54+16/8+16/22+16/3
0+16/39+ 17/9+17/ 18+17/22+ 17/51+17/76+17/77+18/23
+18/44+1 8/69+19/ 16+19/18+ 19/25+19/65+20/10+2

      0/19            +20/53+2     0/54+20/6                          1+2
      0/66+21/        13+21/31     +21/49+21                         /66+22/14+
     22/24+22        /46+22/48     +22/56+22                         /70+23/9+2
    3/16+23/3         4+23/47+     24/5+24/7                        +24/14+25/
    13+25/40+         25/49+25     /62+25/63                       +25/73+26/
    18+26/55          +27/13+2     7/21+27/3                       7+27/53+28/8+28/16+28/66+28/73+28/79+29/7+29/21
   +29/25+2           9/26+29/     40+29/51+                      30/4+30/33+30/54+30/57+31/6+31/18+31/43+31/59+31
  /67+=#1/1 6+1/41+1/62+2/18+2     /44+2/66+3/17+3/43+           3/67+4/22+4/52+4/74+5/23+5/56+5/76+6/21+6/59+6/87
  +7/27+7/61+7/79+8/20+8/50+8/     73+9/21+9/50+9/73+1          0/18+10/45+10/66+11/21+11/41+11/60+12/16+12/48+12/
  69+13/20 +13/45+13/65+14/20+     14/46+14/79+15/23+1         5/55+15/71                               +16/16+16/
 49+16/81   +17/24+17/55+17/82     +18/25+18/54+18/76+        19/22+19/5                                0+19/75+20
/23+20/46             +20/69+2     1/23+21/5                2+21/79+22/                                25+22/51+22
/78+23/18             +23/41+2     3/69+24/2                7+24/63+24                                 /85+25/27+2

5/57+25/85 +26/19+2 6/50+26/7 2+27/19+27/51+27/72+28/21+28/53+28/82 +29/27+29/5
7+29/81+30/ 21+30/46 +30/69+31 /25+31/54+31/79+=H8/2+8/22+8/47+8/69+9/ 2+11/23+13/
47+22/27+=?2 /17+6/85+11/58+13/ 63+22/50+=c1/3+1/1 3+1/33+3/63+4/29+5/15+5/16+7/24+7/51+ 9/29+10/10+
10/15+10/30+ 11/33+16/27+16/52+ 17/33+18/19+20/25+ 20/37+ 21/6+21/28+21/62+22/57+23/13+ 23/23+23/38
+23/56+25/19+ 25/68+25/76+25/77+ 27/7+27/10+27/22+2 8/13 +28/38+28/74+29/11+29/17+29/4 3+29/54+=q6
/62+17/30+21 /46+=D3/8+25/29+28 /47+=b2/14+2/29+4/ 4 7+6/44+7/ 66+9/9+9/ 61+11/8+13/
28+14/16+15/ 43+15/59+16/74+17/ 47+17/73+19/56+20/ 8+20/32+2 0/43+23/2 6+23/62+24/
16+24/50+26/ 27+29/50 +31/27+=I 2/20+15/5 7+19/24+2 1/25+28/23+
=G25/59+=(6 /77+=z5/ 60+6/66+= F7/2+11/2 7+14/62+= w2/52+3/53+
4/15+5/28+5 /43+5/52 +6/35+7/1 1+9/59+12 /21+12/38 +12/54+12/
63 +14/54+1 5/48+15/ 53+17/50+ 18/37+18/ 63+18/73+ 21/11+21/15
+21/68+2 1/73+22/29+23/51+24/ 43+24/59+25/65+26/35 +27/46+28/7+30/15+30/39+30/53 +31/35+=r1
/4+1/9+1 /21+1/40+2/34+3/14+4 /8+4/33+4/45+4/55+4/ 58+4/66+4/70+5/3+5/4+5/6+5/18 +5/19+5/46
+5/50+5/ 64+5/67+5/72+6/5+6/2 6+6/37+6/53+6/70+6/7 5+7/4+7/48+7/52+9/15+9/40+9/6 4+10/12+10
/13+10/2 7+10/39+10/51+11/11+ 11/15+11/54+12/13+12 /61+13/3+13/8+13/14+13/40+13/ 41+13/43+1
4/7+14/2 3+14/27+14/33+14/34+ 14/36+14/56+15/13+15 /27+15/35+16/4+16/11+16/12+16 /14+16/25+
16/45+16 /53+16/7 1+17/4+17 /7+17/14+ 17/16+17/45
+17/48+1 7/53+18/ 22+18/39+ 18/49+18/ 52+18/65+19
/36+19/5 7+19/63+ 19/72+20/ 60+21/35+21/42+21/44+21/70+2
2/45+23/ 5+23/25+ 23/53+23/ 63+24/46+25/4+25/16+25/21+25
/79+25/8 0+26/14+ 26/15+26/ 17+26/57+27/27+28/14+28/39+
28/65+28 /71+28/7 5+29/10+2 9/38+30/7+30/17+30/41+31/2
0+31/39+ 31/75+=: 3/16+14/5 9+25/26+27/50+29/56+=x1
/24+20/6 4+25/38+ =M9/52+16 /59+29/60+=h1/7+2/1

      0+2/            26+3/30+     3/38+3/64                          +4/
      3+4/18+4        /61+5/9+     5/44+5/53                         +6/8+6/40+
     7/15+7/3        0+7/35+8/     13+8/33+8                         /58+9/24+1
    0/54+12/2         4+12/29+     12/35+12/                        39+13/58+1
    4/5+14/10         +14/49+1     5/26+15/3                       1+16/23+16
    /32+16/6          8+17/41+     18/8+18/4                       1+18/57+19/3+19/11+19/32+19/66+20/3+20/58+21/3+
   21/59+21           /63+22/3     +22/11+22                      /20+22/68+23/3+23/14+23/44+24/3+24/12+24/44+24/5
  5+24/65+2 5/3+25/9+25/33+25/     66+25/69+25/71+26/5           +26/38+27/11+27/43+28/17+28/29+28/51+28/62+29/5+2
  9/12+29/34+30/65+31/15+31/32     +31/41+31/57+31/73+          =C3/19+4/2+13/22+=.1/60+2/43+2/64+3/42+3/65+4/21+4
  /51+4/72 +5/22+5/55+5/74+6/5     8+7/26+7/77+9/71+10         /17+10/64+                               12/15+12/6
 7+13/19+   13/44+14/76+16/15+     16/48+16/57+16/63+1        6/79+17/54                                +17/80+19/
73+21/77+             22/76+24     /26+24/83                +25/56+25/8                                3+28/20+28/
52+28/80+             29/79+31     /53+31/77                +=;6/20+=L                                 5/58+10/2+=

f2/4+2/40+ 3/11+3/1 2+4/26+6/ 30+7/72+8/16+8/41+10/28+12/7+13/33+14 /71+15/18+1
7/43+18/28+ 19/62+23 /21+23/49 +26/32+27/66+28/45+29/47+29/74+=i1/29+1 /49+2/5+2/1
5+2/24+2/54+ 2/57+4/10+4/16+4/1 9+6/9+6/13+6/29+6/ 71+7/3+7/20+7/31+7/58+7/71+8/17+8/42+ 9/5+9/47+10
/5+10/8+10/5 5+11/24+11/37+11/5 0+11/55+12/22+12/6 4+13/4 +14/63+15/5+15/39+15/49+15/62 +15/68+16/5
+16/38+16/60+ 17/32+17/58+18/14+ 18/31+18/43+18/51+ 18/6 8+19/15+19/48+19/58+20/11+20/ 65+21/16+21
/19+21/32+21 /64+22/21+22/47+23 /8+23/35+23/37+23/ 6 4+24/4+24 /8+25/10+ 25/24+25/67
+26/31+26/36 +26/47+27/3+27/16+ 27/28+27/47+27/62+ 28/3+29/3 +29/13+30 /12+30/29+3
0/32+30/43+3 0/49+30/ 56+30/60+ 31/11+31/ 58+31/66+ =A1/1+2/2+3
/2+16/18+=n 1/27+1/5 8+2/50+2/ 62+4/12+4 /20+4/37+ 4/42+4/71+5
/30+6/10+6/ 18+6/47+ 6/82+7/9+ 7/17+7/23 +7/40+7/5 5+8/10+8/3
0+ 8/39+8/5 5+9/6+9/ 12+9/33+9 /48+9/57+ 10/6+10/9 +10/21+10/4
8+11/19+ 11/35+11/38+11/45+11 /48+11/51+11/56+12/5 7+13/5+13/10+13/56+13/60+14/1 2+14/67+14
/74+15/6 +15/38+15/40+15/50+1 5/63+15/69+16/56+16/ 61+16/77+17/21+17/37+18/16+18 /60+18/74+
19/21+19 /27+19/46+19/59+19/7 0+20/27+20/28+20/49+ 21/20+21/30+22/8+22/16+22/22+ 22/33+22/4
0+22/74+ 23/28+23/31+23/40+23 /58+24/19+24/57+25/1 1+25/25+25/44+26/10+26/46+26/ 48+26/65+2
7/4+27/2 9+27/48+27/58+27/64+ 28/4+28/42+28/59+29/ 14+29/30+29/42+29/53+29/70+29 /77+30/35+
30/44+30 /50+31/1 2+31/52+3 1/69+=O3/ 4+4/54+10/2
0+12/2+1 4/22+18/ 27+=&1/2+ 1/8+1/17+ 1/22+1/32+1
/42+1/45 +1/47+1/ 54+1/61+1 /63+2/1+2/3+2/8+2/13+2/19+2/
22+2/28+ 2/31+2/3 6+2/45+2/ 49+2/53+2/56+2/59+2/65+2/67+
3/1+3/9+ 3/18+3/2 4+3/28+3/ 33+3/37+3/44+3/48+3/52+3/56
+3/60+3/ 66+3/68+ 4/1+4/7+4 /14+4/23+4/32+4/40+4/44+4/
53+4/59+ 4/65+4/7 3+4/75+5/ 1+5/8+5/13+5/24+5/27+5/
33+5/38+ 5/42+5/4 8+5/51+5/ 57+5/62+5/75+5/77+6

      /1+6            /12+6/15     +6/22+6/2                          7+6
      /34+6/39        +6/43+6/     48+6/60+6                         /68+6/76+6
     /86+6/88        +7/1+7/7+     7/13+7/18                         +7/28+7/33
    +7/42+7/4         9+7/56+7     /62+7/65+                        7/78+7/80+
    8/1+8/6+8         /11+8/15     +8/21+8/2                       6+8/31+8/3
    5+8/40+8          /46+8/51     +8/56+8/6                       1+8/68+8/72+8/74+9/1+9/8+9/13+9/22+9/26+9/35+9/
   42+9/51+           9/56+9/6     0+9/63+9/                      72+9/74+10/1+10/7+10/19+10/24+10/32+10/41+10/46+
  10/52+10/ 57+10/65+10/67+11/     1+11/4+11/13+11/22+           11/26+11/29+11/32+11/42+11/46+11/59+11/61+12/1+12
  /5+12/8+12/17+12/20+12/25+12     /28+12/33+12/37+12/          43+12/49+12/53+12/56+12/62+12/68+12/70+13/1+13/9+1
  3/13+13/ 21+13/27+13/30+13/3     2+13/38+13/46+13/51         +13/53+13/                               57+13/64+1
 3/66+14/   1+14/8+14/13+14/15     +14/21+14/24+14/26+        14/31+14/3                                7+14/47+14
/53+14/60             +14/66+1     4/70+14/7                8+14/80+15/                                1+15/8+15/1
1+15/17+1             5/24+15/     32+15/42+                15/47+15/5                                 6+15/58+15/

64+15/70+1 5/72+16/ 1+16/9+16 /17+16/21+16/31+16/36+16/50+16/58+16/ 64+16/69+16
/73+16/80+1 6/82+17/ 1+17/10+1 7/15+17/25+17/29+17/35+17/42+17/46+17/5 6+17/62+17/
67+17/72+17/ 81+17/83+18/1+18/6 +18/10+18/18+18/26 +18/29+18/36+18/42+18/45+18/50+18/55+ 18/59+18/67
+18/70+18/75 +18/77+19/1+19/5+1 9/9+19/14+19/17+19 /23+19 /26+19/30+19/34+19/39+19/44+1 9/51+19/55+
19/61+19/67+1 9/74+19/76+20/1+20 /5+20/9+20/14+20/1 8+20 /24+20/31+20/34+20/42+20/47+2 0/55+20/62+
20/68+20/70+ 21/1+21/5+21/10+21 /14+21/24+21/27+21 / 38+21/43+ 21/53+21/ 57+21/61+21
/67+21/72+21 /78+21/80+22/1+22/ 5+22/9+22/18+22/26 +22/30+22 /35+22/38 +22/42+22/5
2+22/62+22/6 7+22/71+ 22/77+22/ 79+23/1+2 3/7+23/10 +23/12+23/1
9+23/22+23/ 29+23/33 +23/42+23 /46+23/55 +23/61+23 /68+23/70+2
4/1+24/6+24 /11+24/1 5+24/20+2 4/28+24/3 3+24/38+2 4/42+24/49
+2 4/53+24/ 58+24/64 +24/69+24 /72+24/79 +24/84+24 /86+25/1+25
/7+25/14 +25/18+25/28+25/35+2 5/42+25/46+25/51+25/ 58+25/64+25/70+25/74+25/84+25 /86+26/1+2
6/4+26/9 +26/12+26/20+26/26+2 6/29+26/34+26/42+26/ 51+26/54+26/64+26/67+26/71+26 /73+27/1+2
7/6+27/1 4+27/20+27/31+27/38+ 27/41+27/45+27/52+27 /65+27/71+27/73+28/1+28/9+28/ 12+28/22+2
8/24+28/ 27+28/31+28/36+28/43 +28/46+28/54+28/57+2 8/61+28/67+28/72+28/81+28/83+ 29/1+29/6+
29/16+29 /22+29/28+29/32+29/3 6+29/45+29/48+29/58+ 29/62+29/69+29/73+29/80+29/82 +30/1+30/1
1+30/14+ 30/22+30 /28+30/31 +30/34+30 /38+30/47+3
0/55+30/ 58+30/63 +30/68+30 /70+31/1+ 31/5+31/10+
31/13+31 /17+31/2 6+31/30+3 1/34+31/40+31/44+31/50+31/55
+31/60+3 1/65+31/ 68+31/72+ 31/78+31/80+=P13/2+=m1/35+1/
50+2/23+ 3/61+5/6 9+5/70+8/ 38+9/31+10/42+10/63+12/9+12
/11+14/3 8+15/9+1 7/59+17/7 1+17/79+23/17+24/21+26/43+
27/56+28 /26+28/7 8+29/19+3 1/23+31/45+=l1/52+2/6+2
/42+3/20 +3/26+3/ 27+4/27+4 /63+4/64+5/36+5/37+

      6/28            +7/21+7/     45+7/46+7                          /74
      +7/75+8/        4+8/18+8     /24+8/43+                         8/49+8/63+
     8/71+10/        22+10/36+     10/37+12/                         31+12/41+1
    2/65+12/6         6+13/25+     13/37+14/                        64+15/21+1
    5/44+16/1         9+16/20+     16/75+17/                       69+17/74+1
    8/30+18/          34+19/49     +20/35+20                       /51+21/17+21/18+22/31+23/36+24/36+24/37+24/75+2
   5/47+26/           24+26/30     +26/61+27                      /15+27/17+27/36+27/69+28/33+29/23+29/67+30/59+=p
  1/25+1/36 +1/51+4/35+5/63+8/     8+8/28+8/53+8/62+9/           68+10/25+10/34+11/14+13/54+14/19+16/41+16/42+17/1
  1+17/19+17/68+18/11+21/65+22     /43+22/59+27/32+29/          37+31/9+31/61+=)6/84+=R3/5+4/24+14/2+='5/31+6/32+9
  /39+17/8 +23/59+24/31+24/61+     27/26+=o1/19+1/34+1         /44+1/57+2                               /51+2/61+3
 /13+3/21   +3/35+3/46+3/58+3/     59+4/5+4/48+4/49+5/        5+5/14+5/2                                9+5/40+5/4
9+5/65+6/             17+6/24+     6/36+6/54                +6/83+7/10+                                7/36+7/44+7
/64+8/7+8             /27+8/52     +9/28+9/3                7+9/58+10/                                 3+10/11+11/

3+11/9+11/ 31+11/34 +12/6+12/ 12+12/27+12/30+12/40+13/11+13/23+13/4 2+14/35+14/
55+14/68+14 /72+15/2 8+15/52+1 6/6+16/13+16/24+16/66+17/12+17/13+17/20 +17/27+17/3
8+17/44+17/4 9+17/63+17/75+17/7 8+18/20+18/38+18/4 7+18/64+18/72+19/8+19/28+19/42+19/53+ 19/69+20/16
+20/29+20/36 +20/56+21/7+21/29+ 21/40+22/12+22/28+ 22/32+ 22/37+22/64+22/65+22/73+23/20 +23/27+23/3
9+23/48+24/22 +24/40+24/71+24/81 +25/48+25/75+26/3+ 26/1 1+26/16+26/22+26/39+26/53+26/ 66+26/69+27
/40+27/63+28 /6+28/44+28/56+28/ 58+28/69+29/18+29/ 2 4+29/46+2 9/64+29/7 1+29/75+30/
16+30/24+30/ 36+30/40+30/52+31/ 3+31/46+31/51+31/7 0+=%;$h=~ s/\n//g;$ h=~s/|//g;
$h=~s/\s//g ;chop $h ;chop $h; my $u;@h= split/=/, $h;foreach
my $t(@h) { chop $t; $_c='th'; $___p=""; $_spl=91; $t=~s/(.)//
&& do { $_c=$1;};@_a = split /+/,$t;foreach (@_a ){m/(\d+)/(\d+)/ && do {$o=1 ; $u->{$1}
{$2}=$c ;};}} $h = int(rand( scalar keys %{$u})); foreach my $c (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$u->
{$h}}){ my $R=$u->{$h}{$c}; $R=~s/&/ /;$haiku=1 ;$R=~s/#/\n/;print $R;}#ppp not end if
END? my %r=reverse shift @pp;s/^&**/asm(a mov(a,r);ldr(,$);sub(||$
| unless $q;
poke the badger with a spoon( $sp
{$s->{'1'} } } }->('eyore'))+|++++;$
|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
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|||||||| |||||||| ||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||
[/code]by drpaz
Found on perlmonks.

They look rather...different..but the output, especially of the second one is kind of impressive.

Btw, I loved one of the haiku's the last one outputs:
First snow, then silence.
This thousand dollar screen dies
so beautifully.

Search code obfuscation contest. Perl has no corner on the market.

True, but it seems vbscript and j/javascript isn't really in that competition, at least not in the same way.
I guess perl and C is the leading ones.

I guess the difference between Perl and C is that Perl looks obfuscated without you having to even try :slight_smile:

[quote="jon"]As far as I can see the only reason it wouldn't be recognized is because Python hasn't configured the registry properly, so Opus is unable to map from a .py extension to the Python ActiveScript handler. If you add the following registry key it should "just work".

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\ScriptEngine] @="Python"[/quote]

Just a sidenote - .pys files should be used for ActiveScripting scripts.

Oh, when I installed Python it created a .py extension - I didn't notice a .pys one. Does it use both or something?

Registering python as ActiveScripting engine ( --register) registers also .pys extension specifically for python ActiveScripting files - so that doubleclicking .pys runs it as a script, not normal python file throughout the system. At least it is what I understood from reply to reporting that python does not regiuster .py for ActiveScripting - "This is by-design - .py files generally aren't axscript files. We register the .pys extension for this."

(In the meantime I moved to python with pywin32 - seems a much better combination regarding support and updates).

Ok, makes sense.

In your registry, what's the default value of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.pys ?

[quote="MrC"]The built-in PCRE engine is so incredibly powerful that it changes how you work and think about problems. Here's Leo's VBcript function to add a \ to a string, so long as that string does not already end with \ / * or ?. The language makes this incredibly laborious and robotic, with all of VBscript's English language statement terminators and parser helpers:

Function TerminatePath(p) TerminatePath = p If (Len(TerminatePath) > 0) Then Dim c c = Right(TerminatePath,1) If (c <> "\" And c <> "/" And c <> "*" And c <> "?") Then TerminatePath = TerminatePath & "\" End If End If End Function

vs Perl's:

sub TerminatePath { local $_ = shift; s/([^\\\/*?])$/$1\\/; $_; }[/quote]
While Leo's code might be laborious its easy to see what its doing. Perhaps the Perl code would make more sense if I had used the language.

What Jon said :slight_smile:.

Still its cool that you can use a perl script in Dopus, and I'm not trying to suggest that Perl is not a good language or that VB is better. : )

I don't speak or understand French well, but recognize its unequaled beauty.

[quote="jon"]Ok, makes sense.

In your registry, what's the default value of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.pys ?[/quote]

It looks like:

However after all this playing with pythons I am not sure it it is what was there originally.

Function TerminatePath(p) TerminatePath = p If (Len(TerminatePath) > 0) Then Dim c c = Right(TerminatePath,1) If (c <> "\" And c <> "/" And c <> "*" And c <> "?") Then TerminatePath = TerminatePath & "\" End If End If End Function
vs Perl's:

sub TerminatePath { local $_ = shift; s/([^\\\/*?])$/$1\\/; $_; }
vs Python's:

def TerminatePath(p): return p + '\\' if p[-1] not in r'\/*?' else p

Oh, I've spotted that I missed checks in the VB version, so here is Python with the checks:

def TerminatePath(p): return p if not p or p[-1] in r'\/*?' else p + '\\'