Working example of script with python?


I know a lot of people use Python but the issues you're raising are specific to ActivePython and there seems to be very little about it on the web to help solve them, since so few applications have supported ActivePython hosted inside of them. As I predicted, we solved one issue only to now have three more, and using JScript is still the better option.

I'm sure they are all solvable but researching and debugging ActivePython issues could use up a lot of time as a result of it being largely uncharted territory. All so a small number of can use one scripting language instead of another very similar language (and create scripts nobody else can use without the hassle of downloading and manually registering bits of a 3rd party package, with the added confusion and compatibility issues of there being two packages to choose from...).

I'm not against making as many languages work as possible in Opus in theory, but in practise it may not be the best way for us to invest our time. I urge everyone to consider sticking to the beaten path as it will be easier in the long run. The differences between languages are trivial for most tasks. (And where something is missing, we can always add an Opus object to provide similar functionality to JScript and VBScript if it makes sense.)

I've dropped ActivePython in favor of python + pywin32 (the latest release - 4 days ago).
There are two packages to install instead of one, but, other than that, I have noticed no set-up differences, and you have (lots of) support - like 24/7 channel on IRC with 1500 ppl actually giving answers. All issues reported by me lately are related to pywin32. They may be pywin32 problems (which is expected to be fixed on pywin32 site), DOpus problems (which you may or may not fix), or my problems (as I have had almost nothing to do with ActiveScripting so far, and COM is philosophy on its own).

I do not ride my horse exclusively, as it seems a couple of people is interested.

As I've stated, for a couple of small tasks there is not a lot of difference, and I am not evangelizing around here. For anything bigger, it simply really makes a difference.