As I mentioned in my previous post, I would like to synchronize the configurations of my laptop and desktop computers with one click, but that method may be a bit cumbersome.
I have tried to change the directories of the configurations files in /dopusdata, /dopuslocaldata, /dopusglobaldata, and so on, and I found that they are not editable.
Can dopus add the ability to customize the location of the config file so that I can just move the config file directory to a locally mounted drive (e.g. OneDrive) to automatically synchronize the config file?
You can use symbolic links to redirect folders. (That isn't specific to Opus.)
Note that having the config in a cloud storage folder isn't something we test with or support. I don't know if it will work or cause problems.
I tested that it didn't work. I mapped the network drive to the local N disk and created a new folder named dopus. Then I copied the configuration files of dopus to the dopusdata, dopuslocaldata, and dopusglobaldata folders in the dopus folder respectively. Then delete the configuration file of dopus and establish the corresponding soft link. After testing the soft link was successful, but when I restarted the dopus program, I found that dopus was running, but there was no pop-up window. Then I deleted the soft link, and the dopus pop-up window opened. The open window is the default configuration. I suspect that the internal dopus program is blocking this. At present, it is not feasible to use the soft link to synchronize dopus
Try the following:
- Backup Opus
- Exit Opus
- In the batch below, replace
with your desired sync folder - Run the batch on both machines
- Launch Opus
@echo off
md "%userprofile%\Dropbox\appdata\GPSoftware"
xcopy /E /Y "%appdata%\GPSoftware" "%userprofile%\Dropbox\appdata\GPSoftware"
rd /S /Q "%appdata%\GPSoftware"
mklink /J "%appdata%\GPSoftware" "%userprofile%\Dropbox\appdata\GPSoftware"
md "%userprofile%\Dropbox\localappdata\GPSoftware"
xcopy /E /Y "%localappdata%\GPSoftware" "%userprofile%\Dropbox\localappdata\GPSoftware"
rd /S /Q "%localappdata%\GPSoftware"
mklink /J "%localappdata%\GPSoftware" "%userprofile%\Dropbox\localappdata\GPSoftware"
If you install Opus for the first time on a computer, you only need to run the two mklink
commands before starting the Opus installer.