Wrong Title Bar description

I created a New Menu Button using "Go TABGROUPLIST NEW".

It works as expected (opens a new lister with the selected tab group).

But the Title Bar description doesn't show the correct/selected tag group name. It shows the first (first of all, not even the previous) tab group name I have customized the title group to display the Last Loaded Tag Group (I tried %5, %6 and %7 but neither work). The title bar for the new lister displays the wrong tab group name.

For example: if I open dopus for the first time and loads the tab group A that I was working previoulsy when I closed dopus (right now the title bar is showing A as expected), then I click on the Menu Button (associated with the command Go TABGROUPLIST NEW) and select tab group B, a new window/lister opens and load the correct tabs for B tab group, but the title bar shows A instead of B.
Afterwards if if load C tab group inside of any existing dopus window/lister, and then go to the menu button and open a third window/lister with D tab group, the title bar shows A instead of D (I was wondering if it would show C as it was the last loaded tab group previously but no, it shows A).

I am using Directory Opus 13.9.2 beta

I have also noticed that if I open dopus, it loads the A tab group (that was the loaded profile when I closed dopus). Then I change the tab group to B. Then if I open a new lister, it loads the A tab group, so I think this beahvior is related to the Title Bar description problem.

Fixed in the next beta.

Changing tab groups in one windows doesn't affect any other windows or future windows, unless you save that change in some way.

(Closing the window may save the change, if Opus is configured to save the default lister automatically when that happens. But you'd still have to close the window for that to happen.)

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Cool. Thanks!!!