Zip names Help

Im trying to create a button to quick-zip stuff & I need to zip many dirs. Problem is I dont want opus to use the first folder as the default name but rather the name of the folder that contains the dirs/files im zipping. I would also like it to delete the source files once the zip is done if possable. basically just like you can have winrar do if you create a profile of Zip&Delete when complete. Im sure its probably too simple to do and thats why I cant seem to figure it out..LoL...
thank you' SkyG'..

By the way, on that note is it possable to have a button to do the same command(s) winrar does in the right-click context menu of opus?

Create this button:

@nofilenamequoting Copy ADDTOZIP CREATEFOLDER="{sourcepath$|nopath}" Delete QUIET

Or create this button to delete files without using the Recycle Bin:

@nofilenamequoting Copy ADDTOZIP CREATEFOLDER="{sourcepath$|nopath}" Delete QUIET NORECYCLE

Or remove QUIET if you would like to be prompted before deleting the files.

Which commands do you have in mind?

Which commands do you have in mind?[/quote]

Cool..The first button works just great. The only thing missing is if it's possable to make it not prompt to create and just go ahead and do it fully automaticaly?

As for winrar it's like this. I have winrar setup with a default profile of files "Zip and Delete". Now in Opus when you rightclick selected folders&files the only context menu choices are "add to ???.zip" ...??? being the name of the source folder. Or the option to "add to filename" in which case a window will open prompting for a name. I like this button you shared with me other than the window prompt. I would prefer a fully automated way in both 'opus button' method or a 'winrar in opus' button if you can share that as well.
Many thanks..
Peace' SkyG'

Try this:

@nofilenamequoting Copy ZIP CREATEFOLDER="{sourcepath$|nopath}" HERE Delete QUIET

I'm also looking for this - will try it now. I don't understand why it's the default as in all other tools & file commander's. :wink:


I've just changed the existing "Add to ZIP .." with this command:

Copy ZIP FILTER="NoSysHidFiles" CREATEFOLDER="{sourcepath$|nopath}" HERE

and it works


when I select only ONE path, the files of the path will be zipped into the zip file without the path!

See screenshots:

Zipping a path and a file: DO_ZIP_2Sel_1.png
and contains: DO_ZIP_2Sel_2.png
= OK

But selecting one path only: DO_ZIP_1Sel_1.png
and the files of the path will be zipped: DO_ZIP_1Sel_2.png

Why not the directory 'Practical_mod_Perl' too?

Why? How can I solve the problem?

Thanks a lot

Here is the last pic (and the files of the path will be zipped - without the path itself)!

To clarify the screen shots & examples (sorry, I've thought I could edit my posting later) - here is the full example and the problem (or bug?):

I'm using a button with this command:

Copy ZIP FILTER="NoSysHidFiles" CREATEFOLDER="{sourcepath$|nopath}" HERE

which should use the directory name above as zip file name.

It works good but when I select only ONE directory the files IN the directory will be zipped - without the directory itself.


  1. Create something like this:


  1. Go to C:_Privat\Test\

  2. Create a button with this command (All files & folders):

Copy ZIP FILTER="NoSysHidFiles" CREATEFOLDER="{sourcepath$|nopath}" HERE

  1. Select

and press the button

and the file C:_Privat\Test\ will be created which contains



  1. Delete the file C:_Privat\Test\

  2. Select

and press the button

and the file C:_Privat\Test\ will be created which contains


=> Why not "Test_Folder_1"? What must I do or is this a bug?

Thanks a lot,

I've filed a feature request along those lines.

It's often desirable to zip up the contents of a single directory without including the directory itself in the the zip as an extra level, but in cases like this I can see why you'd want it to be different, so I've asked for a way to make the Copy ZIP command work the other way when needed.

I think it would also be more consistent: when you use the Copy ADDTOZIP command, you can already add the directory itself in the zip as an extra level...

Try this:

@nofilenamequoting Copy ZIP CREATEFOLDER="{sourcepath$|nopath}" HERE Delete QUIET[/quote]

Great! Thanks alot for the quick help. Sorry for the reply delay but I was away last few days.
:arrow_right: So I see from the bottom of the thread that a feature req to have relative paths be either optional or default in zipping files. Honestly I often wondered why Opus did not have that feature since almost all other zip apps and file managers do. Anyway, it would definately be a useful feature and hope it gets added to the next release. Again, thanks for the help.
SkyG' :sunglasses:

About an hour after I requested the feature I got a confirmation that the feature had been added to the code for the next release. How's that for service? :slight_smile:

As is often the case, the reason it wasn't there already was simply that nobody had asked for it before.