Zip option does not work (remove folder)

the option is not available in the manual
and also seems to be defective?
the folders are still there!

It will change the number of folders in the archive.

If you compress


you'll get




3 users expected this!

If you right-click a folder and archive it, two things can happen:

  • The folder's contents are put directly into the new archive.

    So double-clicking the archive shows you the same list of files and sub-folders as if you had double-clicked the folder.

  • The folder itself is put into the archive, with its contents below it.

    So double-clicking the archive shows you just the folder, and you have to double-click that to see the contents properly.

    The advantage is that the archive can be renamed (e.g. to add a date on a backup) but the original folder name is preserved (might be important when restoring the backup).

    Another advantage (for some) is if someone extracts the archive using "extract here" instead of "extract to <archivename>", it won't make a mess. (But if you do extract the archive to its own dir, you then have to double-click another time.)

Personally, I prefer the first option, but some people like the other one instead.

It doesn't remove all of the directories and flatten the archive. You can do that by adding the files to a collection first, or using Flat View (unless Preferences / File Operations / Copying Files / Confirmation says it shouldn't).

thank you, i will forward this topic to the users

You could clean up the folder structure with Remove Redundant Subfolders before archiving it.