File previewer / infotips

I recently formatted and reinstalled Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.

Prior to the format I would get file info pop ups when I hovered my mouse over a file. i.e. image = picture/details, music file = tag info (if present).
I've searched these forums and seen several fixes including this one: How to add Thumbnails to InfoTips

However, nothing I have tried has given me the infotip popups.


If the infotips missing are entirely, check Preferences / File Displays / Options / Enable file InfoTips in...

(It may be in a slightly different place in Opus 9 if you're using that.)


In DOpus 9 it is found here: Preferences / Listers / File Display / Enable File InfoTips.

Pictures are now showing as just the picture, I'm sure previously it showed camera info etc.

However, it's not showing tag info on music files.

Thanks for the quick response.

Now that infotips are enabled again, the guide you linked above should cover changing which details they display.