Move up file

I'm just wondering , which command would you use to move a selected
file to the father folder , just 1 rank up ?

Copy MOVE TO=..

You can also drag & drop the file(s) to the parent button to do the same thing without creating an extra button.

Thanks for answering Nudel, but how do that for ANY folder ? when
you don't necessary know the name of the father folder ? how to move the file up, just one rank, wherever you are , in one order ? is there a way without an external script program ?

The ".." always means the parent folder. Try it. It works.

. = Current folder
.. = Parent folder
.... = Parent of parent folder
...... = Parent of parent of parent folder

and so on.

The . and .. relative paths work throughout Windows and are a left-over from MS-DOS, rather than something specific to Opus. Unix filesystems also have . and ..

So simple! Thanks very much.