Moving a file to parent folder

whats the command to move a selected file to its a folder within the parent folder please?

eg. c:\blah\dump\doc.txt

to move to


Have a read of this thread:

[Move up file)

To get exactly what you're after you can combine some of what Leo referred you to along with some other command arguments. For instance, you could create a button or hotkey that runs the following:

dopusrt /cmd Copy MOVE HERE CREATEFOLDER "{Rs|MOVE to new folder under parent...|{s}..}"

It looks a little kludgey in the dialog that appears... but basically, from C:\blah\dump\ you could select a bunch of files, and then type files into the end of the dialog this command produces (which will contain the string [b]c:\blah\dump..[/b] already...).

Using this command, the selected files will be moved into the C:\blah\files folder if it already exists... or if it doesn't exist yet, it will be created.

Note: there should be a "cleaner" looking way of doing this... we SHOULD be able to use something like "{Rs|MOVE to new folder under parent...|{f|..} }" as the dialog prompt command arg... which according to the release notes sohuld populate the dialog with C:\blah so we wouldn't have to see the "dump.." string in the dialog... But this appears NOT to be working properly as of v9.0.0.6. I'll file a bug report later... and ask that once fixed we also be able to use {s|.} to operate on the 'sourcepath' with the |. arguments instead of just the {file} argument representing the selected files...

BTW... found out that there are some documentation snafus in BOTH the release notes and the manual... THIS command looks like what you'd want to run to have the dialog look nice and clean:

dopusrt /cmd Copy MOVE HERE CREATEFOLDER "{Rs|MOVE to new folder under parent...|{s|..}}"