Parent directory


before starting serious things : Great job about Dopus. I've always wanted a software like this one, and never give it a try.

I should have take the time to try it long time ago ...

I don't want to continu a long fight (I've seen the previous topics about this story), but I personally think you should let your clients decide whether or not to have the (un)famous ".." option.

I'm getting to be used to the alternative, but it's a little bit slower.
Perhaps, you should put the "" in bold or in any format in order to let us see faster the different directories. (cf screenshot bar.jpg)

Or you can Highlight the parent directory. In my screenshot, you should highlight "tmp" for instance (cf bar2.jpg) (this idea I love :p)

Thx for your great software :slight_smile:

The voices were obviusly not too numerous.
Anyway, '..' in not faster than the other methods (except maybe when mouse pointer is at the '..' element and you don't use mouse's navigational keys for 'up' :wink: ), it's very easy to forget about and actually seems to me now like a nuisance (what the hell is it here for, cluttering display, when there is quite a few other ways do its task at the same speed?).
It's a relict of text interfaces - let's let it rest in peace.


and what about my suggestion of highlighting the parent directory in the path on top of the lister ?

I mean, when you want to go to the parent folder, you don't care of its name, you just want a quick way to go in it.
The quickest way of doing this in Dopus (regardless of shortcut keys or 3+ mouse buttons) is to click on the parent folder on the top bar (cf my screenchots). But with this method, you have to process the path and visually search for the parent directory.

So, with a highlight, you don't have to think and search within the path, you just have to click on the highlighted area by reflex.

Thought I'd take this as an opportunity to resurrect two old threads having to do with "going up" to the parent folder:

Double click and Go up level
Up One Level

Either way, I think making dbl-click on empty lister space to be the best compromise for a few reasons:

a) it would be configureable, so for all those who have left the friggin ".." back in the past where so many seem to feel it belongs, there's something new here for them too :wink:
b) it's not position-specific... whether we're suggesting a file display border button, a toolbar button, a hotpath item (highlighted as you suggest or NOT), or even the dreaded ".." item... all these ubiquitous methods share the requirement for one to have target in on a particular element of the lister in order to make use of it. Which is sometimes a big PITA when working with a sensitive mousepad on a laptop on a plane or a train :wink:.
c) going back to the configureability benefit... with the @keydown modifier in v9... we could configure numerous alternatives to just "go up"... we could have <ctrl+dbl-click> run open in dual, <shift+dbl-click> run new Lister, <alt+dbl-click> run new tab, etc etc.

This method just seems to bring more to the table for EVERYONE, as well as seeming to be a natural companion to one of the niftiest yet somehow trivial seeming features I love about Opus - dbl-clicking on desktop...

Have you tried the breadcrumbs path field?

[quote]I mean, when you want to go to the parent folder, you don't care of its name, you just want a quick way to go in it.
The quickest way of doing this in Dopus (regardless of shortcut keys or 3+ mouse buttons) is to click on the parent folder on the top bar (cf my screenchots). But with this method, you have to process the path and visually search for the parent directory.

So, with a highlight, you don't have to think and search within the path, you just have to click on the highlighted area by reflex.[/quote]
I would argue that it is faster to you click on the Parent button in the toolbar (the folder with an up-arrow) or the Parent button in the file display border (the small up-arrow, next to the hot path that you're talking about).

As well as being faster, neither of those buttons suffer from your complaint of having to parse the text of the file path. They always got to the parent.

Those buttons are always in the same place so you soon get used to moving the mouse to them, and there's no need to scroll the file list or wait for something to appear before you click.

The only thing faster would be having a dedicated Parent button on your mouse (which is possible if you want it) or keeping a hand on the keyboard near the Backspace key. :slight_smile:

about the Parent button, while you're browsing the right side, you can easily understand the parent button is a little too far... I should maybe duplicate it and place it over my right side... but that's so stupid to loose place, especialy when it can be avoid :neutral_face:

About the so little icon in the hot path.... well, it's a VERY tiny icon, I think I'm unable to click easily on a so tiny surface :frowning: and I musn't be the only one.

And finally, about the breadcrumbs path field, I love it, but not to go to the parent directory... same problem there, it's too far from one side or the other :confused:

Never thought of the steje idea, clicking in an empty space in the list is wonderful and will make my day for sure ! (plz add this one in detail mode, and let us customize it :slight_smile:)

This would be the best solution IMO.

In the meantime you could easily add an entry to your lister right click context menu to go up one folder as shown in the attached screen grab.

As a converted user of the Norton and Total commanders I should admit that after two days using the DO method to go to a parent directory I do not miss the line with ”..”. If I am not mistaken there are three standard ways in the DO to go to the parent directory using mouse click. I use the parent button in the file bar more often, though.
Regards, Toller

Right click, move over the menu, and then left click isn't what I call "fast" :slight_smile:

but thx for the idea.

I stick with the "double click on empty aera" solution who seems the best.

If you're after speed then get a mouse with multiple buttons and assign one to back/parent.

Anything else is slower.

For the fun :

"double click" is still faster than "going to the shop to grab some good mouse" :stuck_out_tongue:

To be serious :
I have already a 5 button mouse at home, the problem is at work... I don't think I can ask my boss about a better mouse (maybe a MX? :slight_smile:) because Tanis told me to :stuck_out_tongue:


Gotcha there Steve :wink:.

Surely your boss wouldn't object to you bringing your own mouse in?

I'll object :slight_smile:

I'm setting another "Go up" button on the top of my right lister, and I want it to only go up on the right lister even if the left lister is active.

So I made this button :

It works fine, but I have some issues with the button tip, which is :
"Go up to %1"
When the left lister is active, my right button is displaying the left path.

Is there a way to replace %1 with the right lister path instead of the current lister path ?

i would also like to suggest, perhaps, using mouse gestures along with directory opus. it makes things so much easier to draw a 'd' with the right mouse button and be taken to the root of d drive, or whatever you configured that gessture to invoke.

i think that a nice compromise could be to use strokeit mouse gesture program and tell it that if you hold right-click and move the mouse it the up direction (only a few pixels is enough) to go up a directory. arguably, this is fast as dbl-click on whitespace if you move the mouse only a few pixels up instead of doing like i used to and moving my mouse waaaaaaay up; strokeit is surprisingly sensitive! this would also convey especial convenience when the lister is a long display mode and there's hardly a free space to click, one just has to, wherever the mouse currently is, right click/slide up, or left for back, or right for forward, or whatever your mind can imagine! also, strokeit needn't be installed and can be run just fine from a usb.

but, i'm not sure if this is what OP wants?

While the die-hard ".." fans will not be any better pleased... those looking for 'quick' ways of getting to the parent dir might be pleased with the following feature addition to opus v9.0.0.7:

I'm pretty stoked about it... and in just a day so far, it's become a 'muscle memory' item for me that I've done at least 50 times today so far... Jon and Greg RULE!

hallelujah !!!

Thanks Mr. Dopus :slight_smile: