(1) Folders and files stay on top of list no matter what; (2) trouble navigating DO

  1. A folder I created a few months ago stays on top of the list of folders in each new lister view, no matter what I do. Same for a few files, which stay on top of the list of files, no matter what I do. I must have pinned it/them at some point, but I don't recall that. They are not the most recent folder or files I've created, and generally I want to have the default be reverse chronological order - so it drives me to distraction that I can't accomplish this. I've tried to dig through settings/preferences etc. to find an answer. I would appreciate some help on this.

  2. I am a reasonably curious and capable amateur at figuring out computer/app related instructions and guidance. However I would appreciate help - perhaps video walkthroughs if available? to better use DO. It gives me a bit more functionality that Windows but I feel that I am unable to intuitively get to relevant solutions or even seek information in the Manual because the lingo flummoxes me. No doubt this is related to me, but I still feel that in this age of user-friendliness and out of the box plug and play expectations, that users like me probably shouldn't feel so at sea... Anyhow, this is a request for help - anything that can enhance my experience navigating DO and getting a bunch more of the value it's intended to add!

Thanks in advance!

Which column are you sorting by?

If you turn on the General > Label column, has the “Pinned” label been applied to those files/folders?

Thanks for your response, and I'm sorry I'm only just getting back.

In ans to your qs: no.

The very first folder acts as though pinned although the label column does not show it as pinned.The first few files that show up (under the folders) act the same way.

I want the items to be reverse chronologically ordered, and despite clicking on the Modified column heading, these items show up on top of their respective category.

It seems many/all more recent folders and files simply don't show up in the list. (If I search (say by keyword in name) they do show up in search results.)

This is very aggravating.

Could we see a screenshot of the window when this happens?

FWIW you can use Help > Secure Screenshot to take a screenshot of an Opus window with filenames obscured (and without including the rest of your desktop).

The folder with the name "OCI..." stays on top no matter what.

The first few files you see - they stay on top of the files section even though since I created/downloaded them I've created scores of other files. Ordering by the "Modified" column does not bring up the more recent files/folders.

I took this screenshot a few days ago to respond to your message but realized later I sent the response to a no-reply email. In any event, I've uninstalled DOpus today and may reinstall later if I have bandwidth. Perhaps that will fix the problem. But I'm too frustrated to feel encouraged right now.

The image has been reduced in size so it's hard to read the details, but it looks like it is correctly sorting by the Modified dates of the folders.

If you're expecting the folder Modified date to change when anything below the folder (recursively) changes, they don't work like that in Windows, but there is way to get something similar as a column in Opus.

I close out a lister and then open it again, should the newer folders not show up on top and newer files on top (if sorted by Modifed date)?

thanks - will keep in mind for next time

can i delete the screenshot?