6 differrent types of button - need overlays for them

By my count there are 6 different types of button :

  • normal one-click button
  • normal one-click button with one or modifier keys (ALT, CTRL, SHIFT)
  • menu button
  • one-click button with long-press menu
  • 2 mouse button button (left or right mouse button)
  • 3 mouse button button (left or right or middle mouse buttons)

At the moment I am doing seperate icons for each type of overlay, for instance -
(Need the 2 pixel clear border around the overlay otherwise they would look more confusing than it needs to be)

image - with modifier

image - menu button

image - left, right, middle mouse-click button

image - single-click plus long-press drop down menu button

The feature request is to have these button-type overlays and their positions (bottom-right, bottom-left, top-right, top-left) assignable in the command editor button dialog.