- folder colours and mp3 tag

Fixed a problem that could cause folder colours in the Folder Tree to stop working
Not totally solved :wink:
if you select folder in tree folder, background and font color are ok, but if you open folder and focus on lister, background and font colours are lost. (see capture)

The MP3 plugin now correctly handles ID3v2 genre tags that contain an ID3v1 genre number rather than a descriptive string

problem with only ID3v1 tag (see capture)

The ID3v1 tag problem looks unrelated to the fix in for ID3v2 genres (the genre is detected fine too). The extra characters are probably due to the way the tag has been written, i.e. specific to that file but maybe not all ID3v1 tagged files.

Could you provide a sample MP3 file which has the problem? Attach it to a private message if you like and I will pass it on to Jon/GPSoft.

The file you sent works okay for me (I tried highlighting the fields to make sure there weren't any blank characters after the end due to my font, but there don't seem to be).

Looks like you sent an edited version, does the edited one work okay for you?

No no it's not ok...
artist : black manbaonaire instead of Black Manba
album: same thing
year: 2007k M instead of 2007
comment: ID3v1 onlyaonaire instead of ID3v1 only

Your screenshot shows a different file to the one you sent me. Your one is 3m25s long. Mine is 18s long and I suspect has had its tags re-written by whatever you used to created the shorter version.

:smiley: i sent you a sample...
if you prefer this one...

New MP3 plugin attached, please let me know if this doesn't solve the problem.
mp3.zip (75.8 KB)

Hi Jon,

I had tried Mp3 plugin with 9.0.8 (i think that was the first time) and i had seen these strange characters.. and said to myself, let's keep the good old tools i was using to fill ID3 tags :slight_smile:

With the new Mp3 plugin it seems to work perfectly on all MP3s i have tried


If the problems don't get reported then they might not get fixed. :slight_smile: Good to know it is fixed, though!

back from holidays...
it's perfect with this last dll
many thank

Problem are not solved :blush:

Yelle - ACDG (Tepr Remix) (test).zip (120 KB)

What an awful racket...

you don't have an old version of mp3.dll (before ? just to know if it's ok with.

i try with an old version of mp3.dll ( form DO8 and no problem :wink: