Allow button label text to be right/left justified.
REASON: so you can make extra wide buttons by duplicating a button and placing it next to the original, then you could "connect" the text of each button.
EXAMPLE: Left button text = "Ren" (right-justified)
Right button text = "ame" (left-justified).
So the text of the two buttons seems to be one word ("Rename").
I know the button editor has the "Large image size" checkbox, but that enlarges the whole toolbar.
ALTERNATIVE: A "custom button width / height" setting in the button editor (height because of vertical toolbars).
Temporary "slide-out" buttons.
EXAMPLE: When you click the button it slides-out multiple child-buttons (scooting other buttons out of the way). The child-buttons act like normal buttons, and they stay scrolled out until you click the main button again..
Main button could preform some action on left-click, and "scroll out" on right click.
REASON: there are some buttons that you don't click very often, but sometimes you end up clicking it many times in a short time span (like "Customize" or "Preferences" buttons).
Quick jump to first file that begins with letter <x>.
I'd like a button that when clicked pops-up a menu with all letters, and numbers 0-9. When you click a letter/number the file display scrolls to first file that starts with that letter/number. (I know I can do this with a menu button with 36 buttons inside it, but I'm guessing it would take less resources for a simple menu). Preferably the menu would have multiple columns (not just one column with 36 items) so you can quickly move the mouse to the letter/number you want.
Also -- does GPSoft ever pay people for suggestions?
You can pad the button name with spaces and it will be enlarged to accomodate them.
Currently, a similar functionality could be achieved with a button that toggles a custom toolbar. You can even have different actions on left, middle and right mouse buttons (with dynamic icons & texts on the button reflecting the mouse-buttons used to trigger those actions).
Kinda, but not monetarily, if they implement your suggestion you get the functionality you wanted for free (ignoring the license cost you already had before anyway). In any case, I've seen people offering to pay the GPSoft to implement the feature they want rather than the other way around
I don't think I fully understand this. So it's just a wider button that you want?
How about a menu button? This is not precisely what you want but it's as close as you can get as far as I am aware. Also by using this method, nothing will get pushed off the edge of the toolbar.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button backcol="none" display="icon" label_pos="right" textcol="none" type="menu_button">
<label>Main Button</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@Confirm This will run a command for the Main Button. Would you like to Continue?|Yes|No</instruction>
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
<label>Sub Option A</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@Confirm This will run a command for Sub Option A. Would you like to Continue?|Yes|No</instruction>
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
<label>Sub Option B</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@Confirm This will run a command for Sub Option B. Would you like to Continue?|Yes|No</instruction>
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
<label>Sub Option C</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@Confirm This will run a command for Sub Option C. Would you like to Continue?|Yes|No</instruction>
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
<label>Sub Option D</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@Confirm This will run a command for Sub Option D. Would you like to Continue?|Yes|No</instruction>
<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
<label>Sub Option E</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@Confirm This will run a command for Sub Option E. Would you like to Continue?|Yes|No</instruction>
Nothing fancy required here, just press X to jump to the first file beginning with X.
My company tried this and some of the ideas were ludicrous. People were desperate to make a small fortune they were coming up with absolutely anything. Also, I feel Leo, Jon and Greg put so much effort into developing Directory Opus, they deserve every last penny that comes their way. Personally I would refuse payment for any of my suggestions.
Suggestions or feedback are due to the love of Opus, recognition of Leo, Jon and Greg's excellent work, and recognition of their meticulous and timely technical support. They should get more and not pay, and we should do the promotion to let more people use it.
If the button has icons, you can do that using the label placement option, but buttons always have a bit of a margin/padding on the sides.
Even if you could turn off the margins/padding, that would not look good. The kerning would not be right.
You can already assign separate actions to buttons when the left, middle and right mouse buttons are clicked, which I think handles the aim of having dual-action buttons far better than this.
Parts 2 & 3:
Nothing to add that the other replies haven't said already, except: