Does somebody have a ready made script that walks through a directory tree, counts files in each directory and if it has less than X items, moves them up one level and deletes the now empty directories? Quick search in the forum did not find anything.
Thanks, Boris
I believe there is a script in this forum which can count the content of the folder and add the content number at the end of the folder name. I Think That Script done half of your want. And only needs add a if argument if content number is lees than X then Moves them One level UP and delete the empty folder, else do nothing.
Function : Move up subfolder contents with less than X files: two-step undo
Created : 2022-11-08
Version : v0.1 (2024-12-10)
var tab = DOpus.listers(0).activetab;
var cmd = DOpus.Create().Command;
var fsu = DOpus.FSUtil;
var soucepath = tab.path;
var dirs = tab.dirs; // All folders
var numb = DOpus.Dlg.GetString("Move up subfolder contents with less than X files", "10")
if (dirs.count != 0 && numb >= 0) {
// Enumerate the contents of each subfolder
for (var eSel = new Enumerator(dirs); !eSel.atEnd(); eSel.moveNext() )
var eFolder = eSel.item();
if (FileCountRecursive(eFolder) > numb) continue;
var folderEnum = fsu.ReadDir(eFolder);
while (!folderEnum.complete) {
var item = folderEnum.Next;
// Move the subfolder's items to the current directory via Rename operation
if (cmd.filecount)
cmd.RunCommand('Rename PATTERN="*" TO="' + soucepath + '\\' + '*"' + ' AUTORENAME');
// Calculate subfolder size
for (var eSel = new Enumerator(dirs); !eSel.atEnd(); eSel.moveNext() )
var eFolder = eSel.item();
if (!FileCountRecursive(eFolder))
// Delete empty folders
cmd.RunCommand('Delete FILE RECYCLE QUIET');
function FileCountRecursive(filePath) {
var fileCount = 0;
var folderEnum = fsu.ReadDir(filePath, "r");
while (!folderEnum.complete) {
var folderItem = folderEnum.Next;
if (!folderItem.is_dir) {
return fileCount;
Works like a charm! Thanks!