A Simplified Chinese translation error!

The column header of the image file:"纵横比组(Aspect ratio group)":

"Vertical" was translated as "人像", and here it should be translated as "纵向"

The meaning of "人像" is: There are people in the image
The meaning of "纵向" is: Height>width of the image

In addition, the column header name should be "纵横比(Aspect ratio)" instead of "纵横比组(Aspect ratio group)". I think adding the word "组(group)" here is not appropriate.

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I will check the original text and correct the translation.

If you find more details, you can contact me by email

OK! :ok_hand:

人像 change to 纵向
纵横比组 change to 宽高比组, The original string is "Aspect ratio group".Its meaning is correct and will not be changed
All 纵横比 change to 宽高比

All changes will be applied in the next version

"Aspect ratio group" translates to "宽高比组" is completely correct.
But I don't understand why "group" was added in the original English version?
If so, then why aren't the other column headers called name group, Size group...?
While this minor issue doesn't affect the use of the software, it looks awkward.

"Aspect Ratio" is the actual ratio and "Aspect Ratio Group" buckets those into named groups matching common aspect ratios.

Okay then !