About icons size within the different views :?:

I've noticed a difference between "explorer" & "DOpus" about the views renderer. I prefer the explorer one for the icons size renderer and I wondered if it's possible to get the same in DOpus.

Please look at what I mean below

DOpus List View:

DOpus Small Icons View:

As you can notice, between them the icons size does almost not change.

Explorer List View:

Explorer Small Icons View:

Between these two wiews the renderer difference is big about the icons size.

Is it possible DOpus can do the same?


Even better, would it be possible to increase icons in DOpus list view because I prefer this view? :slight_smile:

Your pictures aren't working.

Sorry, here they are !

DOpus list view:

DOpus Small icon wiew:

Explorer List view:

Explorer Small Icon View:

What you call "Explorer Small Icon View" is actually "Tiles". They removed Small Icons in XP.

Yes ! As you say.

Because I'm french & have a french XP I didn't know how english explorer version call "mozaïc" view. So I called it like within Opus because it's the same view. So "tiles" is the same as "small icon" in Opus but opus sets icons very smaller than explorer in this view.

Did you get my bad english? :wink:

Yes, I understand (Je comprends!)

But, Small Icons in Opus is not the same (and is not meant to be the same) as Tiles mode in Explorer.

Tiles mode was introduced by Microsoft in XP, and at the same time they dropped Small Icons from Explorer (even though the system listview control still supports this mode).

Opus does not currently implement a Tiles mode, however the next major release probably will.

Ok. So if there is no way to increase those icons in the Opus List View or other, I'll wait for the next major release with impatience :astonished: