Act on selected folder

Hi, I'm a directory opus noob, so this question might be stupid.

I want to quickly act on a selected folder. E.g.: play the selected folder in foobar2000. Whats important: I want to do this without using the mouse.

So my first idea was to extend the context menu for folders. I opened "Settings -> FileTypes -> All folders -> Context Menu" and added a new action there ("C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" "%1"). When I select a folder in DO, I can press Shift+F10 to open the context menu and then I have to repeat pressing down until I reach the context menu entry and then I have to press enter. Too many keystrokes.

My second solution was to add a custom command and trigger it via Find-as-you-type. So I went to "Customize Toolbars and Keys -> User Commands" and added a command (C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe {allfilepath}). Now I can start typing ">namofmycommand", but I need to press cursor-down to select the command and then press enter to execute it. The matching command is not selected by default, even if there is only one found.
Its also not acting on the folder that I "select/hover" using the cursor up/down keys, I need to select the folder by pressing ctrl+space first.

Is there a better way to accomplish what I want?

You can just assign a key combination with this ↑ command. Say Ctrl+Shift+P will trigger it and your select directory will be opened with foobar2000

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I can totally assign a hotkey, but it does not work in my case: when I navigate through a list of folders with the up/down keys, the folder that I'm hovering over then is not being picked up by {allfilepath}. Just selected folders are passed and to select a folder I need to first press Ctrl+Space on the "hovered" folder. I would like to avoid this extra step.

Turn off Power Mode if you want to avoid this.

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Thanks! This is the way!