Activate an item in the Viewer using its fullpath

Since there have been a lot of new features since the last time I checked , I wonder if there's a way to 'activate' (make the current item) an item already opened in a Viewer using its fullpath. Currently, I can only do that by using its position in list.

Could you give more detail? I'm not sure what you mean.

If via scripting, I load 10 images into a Viewer object, and want to go to the second loaded picture, I can simply use Viewer.Command('goto,1').
But if I want to go to a specific image (knowing its fullpath), and I don't know its position in the viewer list, what would be the best approach, if any?
Currently, I'm using a map of items and positions to workaround that, but I wonder if there's a better and simpler way.

We'll add this to 13.9.6.