Add back additional keystrokes to Prefs/File Displays/Mouse/Background Event

These keystrokes were available for this purpose in DOpus 12: Ctrl+Shift, Alt+Shift, Alt+Ctrl, Alt+Shift+Ctrl. Please add them back when you get a chance. I well appreciate you'll be extremely busy for some time. DOpus 13 is a significant version change and well deserves a new number. Props.

Were they really? :thinking:

Check out:

Multiple Functions from Double-clicking the File Display

You'll see what I mean adding the keystrokes back in.

That method still works fine. The only extra thing you need to do now is assign your command to the other events/keys in the list.

If it's on all four events, the command can see all key combinations, the same as before:


Tested with this command:

@output None

@output Shift

@output Ctrl

@output Alt

@output Ctrl + Alt

@output Ctrl + Shift

@output Alt + Shift

@output Ctrl + Alt + Shift
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