I don't believe that registry key is going to help you... I could be wrong, but there doesn't seem to be any sort of 'system command' in there that you could 'replace' with an Opus call.
But you could certainly drag a shortcut to dopusrt.exe to someplace on your programs menu, then pin it to the start menu after modifying it to run:
Thanks - That's a good idea and I'll use it in the meantime. But I'd like it to look more integrated.
I've done a little searching in the meantime and found an article about modifying the link that OEM's put on the start menu. I could put it there and simply hide the Search button.
I'm not sure exactly what either of you are doing, but I don't think it's the same as what I tried to describe because what I'm talking about here is a plain old normal windows shortcut to dopusRT.exe. So if you:
go to the Opus program directory
select and drag the dopusRT.exe file using the right mouse button, and hover it over the Start menu to expand it; following it to the 'All Programs' menu, then dropping it on the 'All Programs' menu and selecting 'Create Shortcuts Here'... you will get a shortcut to dopusRT
right click on the newly created shortcut, and select properties
in the 'Target' field on the 'Shortcut' properties tab, you should see "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" already there, simply append a space followed by /cmd find to the end of it
hit Ok to accept the change and close the Properties dialog
right click on the shortcut again and select 'Pin to Start menu'
... and you should have an Opus Find button.
If this doesn't work for either of you, then my explanation is complete trash and I'm nuts, or there's something tragically flawed in either your interpretation of the steps or your Opus installation . Make sure you're creating a shortcut from dopusRT and not just dopus.exe...
I don't have any problems creating the shortcut. And it works just fine when I do that. It's simply when I add the new item on the right side of the start menu. Apparently to do that you have to add the item via the registry.
Not really important though. I've got Dopus open all the time anyway and I put a link to the find command on my "desktop sidebar" as well. I've been using the start menu less and less lately.