Add filename to description

Hi guys,

I though this would be simple but I can't seem to work it out. I need to add the filenames of selected files as a description of each file.

I thought SetAttr DESCRIPTION {file} would work but it only adds the filename of the first selected file as the description to all selected files.

I've read through the "Codes for passing filenames" in the manual but I simply don't understand them...I will persevere when my head is working properly though.

Any help would be much appreciated.



That's useful but not what I want. Perhaps I didn't explain properly earlier (it was early) but it's the description column/field in Opus that I want to add the filenames to.

This command below (not the one I posted above) works when I have a single file selected but when I have several files selected, the filename of the first file is added to the description of all the others.

setattr description={allfile}

Single file selected:

Multiple files selected:

Is this possible with several files selected?



Try changing "title" in the example MrC pointed out to "comment" :slight_smile:

@sync:dopusrt /acmd SetAttr {filepath} META comment:{file|noext}

Thanks Naki, works perfectly. Not seeing a description field in the metadata panel threw me off course. I never even though of trying the comment field!!!