Add Image resource type to scripts?

With the recently added support for images to buttons, it becomes possible to customize dialogs in a more extensive way.
The problem is that, if one uses some custom icon to decorate a dialog, it is not exported when you share the script (.opusinstall).
It would be nice if it was possible to declare icons/images in the resource section so a) they can be exported/shared along with the script and b) be referenced through the script of course.

This might need a deeper thinking in terms of design (where to store these resources and avoid conflicts for instance) and there might be some collateral impacts (script using lots of images might end up with a "big" .opusinstall which impacts uploading time & storage on the forum).

That is by no mean anything urgently or strongly requested (as providing a side-zip with Images to store in /dopusdata/Image//resources is a quick workaround, even if less convenient).

Thanks for any thought on this from anyone.

Probably read this post wrong but images can be stored and exported along with the script.


No you didn't read it wrong.
The thing is I don't use Script Packages (.osp) and if you don't declare your script as a package, you do not have this third tab (Other) where according to your screenshot, it is possible to store images.
Anyway, I think this is the way to go to embed images with the script.
EDIT : And once again, it was all in the manual :frowning: : Script Assets [Directory Opus Manual].